Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1



A spioed devil leads three human brigands (use the

bandit captain stat block to represent them) on a ram-

page. The brigands were drive n mad by the journey

to Avernus, and have now pledged themselves to their

spined devil master. Their madness causes them to

bellow and gibber as they move through the cathedral.

The spined devil roars at the m as it uses its telepa-

thy to order them to foc us. This lack of caution and

discipline makes ambushing or sneaking up on the

group easy, granting advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)

checks to do so.


A merregon (see page 2 38 for its stat block) ove rsees a

mangy pair of hell hounds. The devil uses the hounds to

sniff out survivors who might be hiding.


Three levels make up the High Hall cathedral: the cathe-

dral level (areas Hl through H6), the choir level (areas
H7 through H9), and the catacombs level (areas HlO

through H17). These locations are keyed to map 2.2

(page 61), map 2.3 (page 62 ), a nd map 2.4 (page

63), respectively.


Unless otherwise noted, the High Hall cathedral has the
following recurring features.
Art. Once decorated with beautiful paintings, statues,
and other works that depicted the strength and valor of
Elturel's people, the cathedral was magically transformed
when Elturel was pulled into Avernus. Now its artwork is a
testament to the devils' superiority and strength, showing
scenes of mortals succumbing to temptation, dying at
the hands of fiends, and suffering eternal torture. When
viewed, t hose images shift and swirl unsettlingly. A detect
magic spell reveals that the frescoes, mosaics, paintings,
and tapestries of the cathedral radiate auras of illusion
magic. These effects end if Elturel is freed from the chains
of Avernus.
Dimensions. Each of the three levels of the cathedral
is set 20 feet higher than t he one below it. Rooms in the
cathedral are 15 feet high, and have 8-foot-high doorways
connecting them.
Doors. The doors of the cathedral are made of iron. Each
door is a Large object with AC 19 , 27 hit points, and immu-
nity to poison and psychic damage. If a door in the cathe-
dral is locked, it can be unlocked with a successful DC 17
Dexterity check with thieves' tools, or forced open with a
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
Jllumination. Areas within the cathedral are brightly lit by
continual flame spells cast on wall sconces.
Walls. Climbing the outside walls of the cathedral with-
out e quipment requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Ath-
letics) check.
Windows. Most of the cathedral's windows were shat-
tered during the descent into Avernus, but the windows
are covered by defensive shutters that are latched from
within and swing outward on iron hinges. A successful
DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check or DC 15 Dexterity check
with thieves' tools opens a shutter from the outside. Each
sh utter is a Large object with AC 19, 2 7 hit points, and im-
munity to poiso n and psychic damage.


Most of these descriptions highlight what the areas

contain if a devil attack has not ta ke n place there. Based

on the encounters provided in the "Cathed ra l Assault"

section above, you can adjust the text to describe what

is happening in an area and what it looks like during or

afte r a devil attack.


Read the following as the characte rs enter this area:

At the top of the stairs leading up to the cathedral, an
archway opens into a long hall containing eight columns.
Some of the columns have been carved to represent
Torm, but the infernal magic of Avernus has warped the
others to represent likenesses of a winged female devil
wielding a luminous sword.

The devil represented in the magically altered columns

is Zariel.
T he woode n doors leading into the grand foyer have
been broke n ope n by the invading devils (s ee "Cathe-
dral Assault.'' page 59) and remain ajar. Four guards

lie dead in the doorways, eviscerated by one of those

devil-led groups.


The foye r holds two circ ular sta irwells. eac h leading

up to area H7 on the choir l evel. Decora ted pillars here

depict symbols and sce nes representative of Torm. Cur-

tains, some of the m shredded by weapons and claws,

separate this area from the heart of t he cathedral.

Read the following as the characte rs ente r this area:

An altar rests on a raised dais in this broad hall. Made
of beautifully polished teakwood, it takes the shape of a
gauntleted hand clenched into a fist. A large l ever stands
next to the alta r, suggesting that it has some sort of me-
chanical function.

The lever can be pulled to open the hand, so that of-

ferings to Torm or bodies undergoing rituals can be

placed upon it.

Activating the Altar. Eve n with all tha t has happened

in the city, this altar re mains consecrated to Torm. A

creature that touches the alta r a nd s ucceeds on a DC

15 Charisma (Religion) c heck rega ins all its hit points.

This check can be attempted only once for any creature.

Though the powe r of the alta r works for any creature, it

is specifically attuned to those dedicated to Torm. Cler-

ics a nd paladins of Torm have advantage on the check.

Secre t Door. Any character who searches the altar

while the hand is ope ned and succeeds on a DC 15 Wis-

dom (P e rception) c heck detects a large secret panel in

the palm of the hand. The panel opens easily, revealing

a concealed staircase descending into the central por-

tion of the catacombs level, just west of area HlS.

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