~---------------------------------------------------------------- -------
RockDams.Thegoblins builtsimple dams to control
the flowof water through the heartof the complex.If the
goblinsentry in area5 hascalledfor the goblinshere to
release a flood,oneor bothof the poolsare mostlyempty
andthe streamis flowingunimpeded.
Theleader of the goblinoids insists on keepingthe bulk
of the raiders'stolengoodsin his den.TheCragmaws'
plunder fromthe lastmonth of raidingandambushing
caravans is here.
Sacks and crates of looted provisions are piledup in the
south end of this largecave_To the west,the floorslopes
toward a narrow opening that descends intodarkness. A
larger opening leads north down a set of naturalstone steps,
theroar of falling water echoing from beyond. In the middle
of the cavern, the coals ofa largefire smolder.
Klargthe bugbear shares thiscavewithhis mangypet
wolf,Ripper,andtwogoblins.Thebugbear is filledwith
delusions of grandeurandviewshimself as a mighty
warlord justbeginning his careerof conquest.He is not
entirelysane, referring to himself in the thirdperson
("Whodares defyKlarg?" or "Klargwillbuilda throne
fromyourbones, puny
ones!").Thegoblins underhis
command resent his bullying.
FirePit. The hot coalsin
the centralfire pit deal1 fire
damage to anycreature that
enters the fire pit, or 1d6fire
damage to anycreature that
fallspronethere.A creature
cantakeeachtypeof damage
onlyonceper round.
NaturalChimney.A niche
in the westernwallforms the
top of a shaftthatdescends 30
feetto area 3. Seethatareafor
information on climbing the
natural chimney.
Supplies. Thepilesof sacks
andcrates canprovidehalf
cover to anycreature fighting
or hidingbehind them.Most
are markedwiththe image of
a bluelion--the symbol of the
Lionshield Coster, a merchant
company witha warehouse
andtrading postin Phandalin.
Hidden amongthe supplies
is an unlockedtreasure chest
belonging to Klarg(seethe
"Treasure" section). Any
character whosearches the
supplies findsthe chest.
If Klargis warnedby the goblinsin area 7 thatthe hideout
is underattack, he andhis wolfhidebehind stalagmites
whilethe goblinstakecoverbehind the pilesof supplies,
hoping to ambush the characterswhen theyenter the cave.
If Klargandcompany are not warnedabout possible
attackers, the characters havea goodchance to surprise
them.Theeasiest wayfor the charactersto achieve this
is to climbthe chimney fromarea 3, sinceKlarg doesnot
expectan attackfromthatdirection.
If the wolfis killed, the bugbearattempts to climbdown
the chimneyto area 3 andfleethe cavecomplex.
Thecaptured stores are bulky,andthe characterswill
needa wagon to transport them.If theyreturn the
supplies to the LionshieldCoster in Phandalin (seepart
2, "Phandalin''), theyearn a reward of 50 gp andthe
friendship of Linene andher company.
In additionto the stolen provisions, Klarghasa treasure
chestthatcontains 600 cp, 110sp, twopotions of healing,
andajade statuette of a frogwithtinygoldenorbsfor
eyes(40 gp).Thefrogstatuette is smallenoughto fit in a
pocket or pouch.
Thenextstage of the adventuretakes placein Phandalin.
Theadventurers should haveplentyof reasonsto visit
the town:
- If the charactersbeganwiththe "MeetMe in Phandalin"
adventure hook,theycanbe paidby Barthen's
Provisions for delivering the wagonloadof supplies. - If the charactersrescued Sildar Hallwinter, the
wounded warrior wouldappreciate an escortto
Phandalin (andwillpay50 gp for the service).
Details contained within the characters'backgrounds
mightprompt them to seekout specificNPCs in the town.
It's alsopossible thatplayers might decideto do
something different, suchas striking out in search of
Cragmaw Castle(in part 3 of the adventure).If that's the
case, skipahead to thatsection.
Exploring the Cragmaw hideout anddefeating Klarg
andhis alliescompletes a storymilestone; Awardeach
character 275 XP.Thisshould provideenou~ XP for the
characters to attain 2ndlevel. \
Leveladvancement rulesfor characters are provided on
loose sheets included in thisset.Handthese sheets to the
players, andallowthem to advance theircharacters to 2nd
levelbeforecontinuing the adventure.Makesurethey've
recorded theirXP totals on theircharacter sheets.
In the nextpartof the adventure,you'llaward XP
differently. Thecharacters willearn experience points
based on the monstersandtraps theyovercome, the NPCs
theyinteract with,andthe goalstheyaccomplish.
If the adventurerscomeup witha nonviolentway to
neutralize the threat thata monster poses, award them
experience points as if theyhaddefeated it.