Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1


Thefrontier townof Phandalin is builton the ruinsof a
much oldersettlement. Hundreds of yearsago,the old
Phandalin wasa thriving human townwhose people
were firmlyalliedwiththe dwarves andgnomes of the
Phandelver's Pact.However, the sameore hordethat
sacked the minesat WaveEcho Cavelaidwaste to the
settlement, andPhandalin wasabandoned for centuries.
In the last three or fouryears,hardy settlers from
the citiesof NeverwinterandWaterdeep havebegun
the hardworkof reclaiming the ruinsof Phandalin. A
bustling frontier settlement hasgrown up on the siteof
the old town,andis homenowto farmers, woodcutters,
fur traders, andprospectors drawn by storiesof gold
andplatinum in the foothillsof the SwordMountains.
Unfortunately, morethan a fewbandits andbrigands have
settled hereas well,taking advantage of the factthatthe
area hasno locallordor authorityto chase them off. A
gangknown as the Redbrands hascontrolled Phandalin
for the pasttwomonths, extorting andbullying everyone
in town.Thegangis led by a mysteriousfigureknownto
the townsfolkas Glasstaff.
When the charactersfirstarrive in Phandalin, read:

The rutted trackemerges froma wooded hillside, and you
catch yourfirstglimpse of Phandalin. The town consists of
forty or fiftysimple log buildings,some builton old fieldstone
foundations. Moreold ruins-crumbling stone walls covered
in ivy and briars-surround the newer houses and shops,
showing howthismust havebeena much larger townin
centuries past. Mostof the newerbuildings are set on the
sidesof the carttrack, whichwidens intoa muddy main
street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a
hillside at the eastsideof town.
As you approach,you see childrenplaying on the towngreen
and townsfolk tending to chores or running errands at shops.
Manypeople lookup as you approach,but all returnto their
business as you go by.

If Sildar Hallwinter is withthe party,add:

Sildar seems much more at ease.
"Myfriends," he says, "let us securelodgings. I'm toldthe
localinn is veryquaint."

Sildar's planis to get somerestat the StonehillInn,then
search Phandalin for signs of the missingwizard, Iarno
Albrek.When his investigation hitsa deadend,he sets



up a meeting withTownmaster Harbin Wester (seethe
"Townmaster's Hall"section).
During thispartof the adventure,the characterscan
visitthe variouslocations in Phandalin andtalkto the
NPCs there.(See the "TownDescription"section for
details.) Thetownis smallenough thatit takes onlya
fewminutes to strollfromoneendto the other.However,
the characters arrive latein the dayandcan't get to more
than oneor twolocations before it's timeto seeklodgings
for the night.
Some locales the charactersshould visitinclude
the following:
Barthen'sProvisions.If the charactershavethe wag-
onload of supplies fromthe "MeetMe in Phandalin"
adventure hook,theyare meant to deliverit to thisshop.

. LionshieldCoster.If the charactersretrieved the stolen
goodsfromthe Cragmawhideout, theymightwant to
return them to the rightfulowner.
StonehillInn.If the charactershaveSildar Hallwinter
withthem,the knightsuggests heading for thisinn to
findlodgings. If the charactersare otherwiselooking for
a place to eat andsleep,theydiscover thatthe Stonehill
appears to be the bestavailable option.

Encounters in Phandalin

Whenthe charactersexplore Phandalin, youdon'tneed
to keeptrack of howmuchtimeis spentat eachlocation.
Instead, imagine thatyou'redirecting an old-style
western movie.Yourgoalis to presentseveral scenes in
which the adventurerswalkintoa storeor saloonand
meetthe peoplethere. By interactingwiththese NPCs,
the adventurerslearn whatthe NPCsneedor what
information theywantto share, thencanmoveon to the
nextlocation. These scenes are a seriesof roleplaying
encounters thattakeplace overthe courseof a coupleof
daysof gametime.
To begin,ask the playerswhere theywant to go and
whattheywantto do in town.Forexample, youcould tell
them,"There's an inn,a townhall,a shrine, general stores
andtrading posts, anda fewother homes andbusinesses.
Where do youwant to go?"Whenthe playerspicka spot,
referto the descriptionin the followingsection, illt~
the NPCsthere, andlet the interactionbegin.
The StonehillInn.If the playersaren't surewhat
theircharacters should do, encouragethemto begin at
the StonehillInn.TheNPCs there are "pointers"who
candirect the characters toward the variousadventure
opportunities andimportant rumors thatcanbe foundin
otherparts of the town.By visitingthe inn,the characters
learnwhat otherplaces theyshould visit.
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