This appears to be a storeroom pressed into service as living
quarters. Twodouble bunks stand against the wallnear the
door, while barrels andcrates fill the southern halfof the
Three Redbrandruffiansare restingin thisroom.If they
hear a gooddealof noisein area 1 (including loudvoices
or barrels being rolledaround), theyprepare themselves
for a fightandtry to surprise intruders.
Thebarrels here contain similar provisions to
those in area1.
All threeRedbrands wearbeltpouches holding
treasure. Thefirstholds 16 sp and7 gp; the second, 12
sp and5 gp; andthe third,15 ep andtwogarnets (10
gp each).Additionally, three dirty scarlet cloaks hang
fromthe bunks.
Divide 300 XP equally among the charactersif the party
defeats the ruffians.
Thisareawaspartof Tresendar Manor's original cellars.
TheRedbrands dugout the dirtbeneath the stone floor,
creating a hiddenpit trap.
Thick dust covers the flagstonesof this somber hallway. The
wallsare decorated with fauxcolumns everyten feet,and
the double doors at the west end of thehallare sheathed
in copper plate, nowgreen with age. A reliefcarving of a
mournful angel graces the doors.
Thepit trapin the middleof the hallwayis hiddenunder
a falsefloorconsisting of loosestone tileslaidatop
breakaway timbers. Thetilesandtimbers collapse under
100 or more pounds of weight.A character searching the
hallfor trapscanspotthe coveredpit witha successful
DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check.A successful check
alsoreveals narrow ledges on the north andsouth sides of
the pit. A creatureattempting to skirt around the pit using
oneof theseledges must succeed on a DC10 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check.
A creature thattriggers the trapor failsthe Dexterity
checkto skirt around the edgeof the pit mustattempt
a DC15 Dexterity saving throw to catchthe edge.On a
failedsave,the creature falls20 feetto the dirtfloorof the
pit, taking2d6bludgeoning damage andlanding prone.
Divide 100 XP equally amongthe charactersif the party
avoidsor survives the pit trap.