Theelders of the long-gone Tresendar familywereonce
laidto rest in thismausoleum.
Three largestone sarcophagi stand within this dustycrypt,
and propped up against each sarcophagus is a human
skeleton cladin bits of rusty mail.Falsecolumns along
the wallsare carved in the image of spreading oak trees.
Thedouble doors in the southeast corner are sheathed in
tarnished copper plate.
Thethree skeletons are animated andattackanycreature
thatcomeswithin 10 feetof the doorleadingto area 5 or
the doorleadingto area6, unless thatcreature is wearing
the scarlet cloakof the Redbrands or speaks the password
"Illefam" (thenameof an ancient elvennation,whichonce
spread across much of the Sword Coast).
Thestone lid of each sarcophagus is carved to depict
the person entombed within-two human males andone
human female,all of noblebearing. If opened, the tombs
contain mostly moldering bones andscraps of clothing,
but see the "Treasure" section.
Fighting in thisroom alerts the Redbrands in area5 that
trouble is on the way.
Amidthe bones in eachsarcophagus is a platinum signet
ring(50 gp).
Divide 150 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeats the skeletons.
Forthe pasttwomonths, the Redbrands havebeen
capturing travelers in the areaandholding them in these
pens untiltheycanbe soldintoslavery.
Thislongroom is partitioned into three areas, withironbars
walling off the north and south. Filthystraw linesthe floorsof
those cells,the hinged doors of whichare secured by chains
and padlocks. A pair of disheveled human women are held
in the cell to the south, while a human boy is confined to
the north. All are dressed in plaingraytunics and haveiron
collars fitted around their necks.
A heap of discarded clothing is piledcarelessly against the
far wall.
TwoRedbrand ruffians in scarlet cloaksstand guard here,
though theyspend mostof theirtimetaunting the hapless
prisoners (seethe "Captives" section). If theyhearfighting
in area 5, theytakeup positions against the wallnear the
door,thentry to surprise intruders. Thecaptives are too
intimidated to shoutwarnings or callfor help.
Theheap of clothing belongs to the various captives who
havebeen housed hereoverthe lasttwomonths-at least
a dozenpeople to judge by the sizeof the pile.
CelJDoors.Thecelldoors feature simple locks
requiring thieves' toolsanda successful DC10 Dexterity
checkto pick.Thedoors canalsobe wrenched openby
bruteforcewitha successful DC22 Strength check.
Thethree human commoners imprisoned hereare Mirna
Dendrar andher twoteenage children, thirteen-year-old
Nars andeighteen-year-old Nilsa.A fewdaysago,the
Redbrands murdered Mirna's husband, Thel,for defying
them.(Hiscorpse canbe found in area8.) Thatnight,the
gangreturned andabducted the familyfromtheirhome in
Phandalin. Thegangplans to sellthe familyintoslavery.
TheDendrars are grateful to the characters for rescuing
them,but theycan't providemuchinformation about the
Redbrand hideout. All theyknow is thatthe bossis a
wizard (though theyhaven'tmethimanddon'tknow his
name),andthathe has "tall,furrymonsters withbig ears"
(bugbears) working for him.
SideQuest:Mirna'sHeirloom. Though her familyhas
nothing to offeras a reward, Mirna tellsthe characters
thatshemightknowwhere a valuable heirloom is hidden.
When she wasa young girl,sheandher familyfledfrom
the townof Thundertree afterundead overran the place.
Herfamilyhadan herbandalchemyshop,insidewhich a
casecontaining an emerald necklace washiddenbeneath
a section of storage shelves. She neverdared to return
andretrieve it. Theshopwasin the southeast partof
Thundertree. If the characters decide to explore the ruins
of Thundertree, see part 3 of the adventure.
Divide 200 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeatsthe ruffians. Divide 100 XP equallyamong the
characters if the Dendrars makeit backto townalive.
Thedoorto thisroomis locked fromthe outside. Across
fromthe locked dooris a secret doorthatleadsto area7.
Formoreinformation on locked doors andsecret doors,
see the "General Features" section (page20).
Racksof weapons line the wallsof this chamber, including
spears, swords, crossbows, and bolts. A dozen dirtyred
cloaks hang from hooks by the door.
TheRedbrands haveambitious plans to expand their
numbers in the nearfuture, so theyhavebeenstockpiling
arms andarmor.
Theweapon racks holdtwelvespears, six shortswords,
fourlongswords, six lightcrossbows, andeightquivers
holdingtwenty crossbow boltseach.
In thischamber, the Redbrands takestock of theirstolen
wares, eithershipping them out through the cavern to the
southor packaging themfor storage in the stronghold.