Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1
intothe fissure. Thechest contains 160 sp, 120gp, five
malachite gems (15 gp each),twopotionsof healing,anda
scrollof augury.
Thechestalsoholdsa +l longsword in a silver-chased
scabbard. Thesword is inscribed withthe name "Talon,"
andits hilt is worked in the shape of a birdof preywith
outspread wings. It oncebelonged to a greatknight named
AldithTresendar, known as the BlackHawk.A character
whosucceeds on a DC15 Intelligence (History) check
recognizes the sword andrecalls thislore.
Sir Aldithdiedfightingoff the oresthat attacked through
the hidden caverns belowhis manor.Talonwaslosthere
untilthe nothic foundit.

Divide 450 XP equally amongthe characters if the party
defeats the nothic or negotiates a truce withit.


A character wholistens at thisdoorwitha successful DC
10 Wisdom (Perception) checkhears several gruffvoices
issuing demeaning commands in the Goblin tongue.
Examples include "Lickthe floor!"and"Rolllikea dog!"
Thebugbears hereare bullying theirgoblinslave.

Thisbarracks contains fourroughly builtwooden bunks,
withheaped-up blankets and dirtydishes scattered about. A
strong smell of unwashed bodies and rotten meat fills the air.
Three tall, furryhumanoids are lounging among the mess,
barking orders at a sad littlegoblinthat demeans itselffor
their amusement. Yoursudden appearance causes the goblin
to faint.

Three bugbearsandonegoblinare present. The
goblin,Droop, fallsunconscious at the sight of the party,
but another creature canusean actionto wake him.
Otherwise, Droop remains unconscious for l dIO minutes.
Thebugbears workfor the BlackSpider andweresent
hereto helpIarno keepthe Redbrands andthe citizens of
Phandalin in line.Theleader is named Mosk.He wears a
jeweled eye patcheventhough he hasbothhis eyes.Mosk
wears the eye patchbecause he thinks it's fancy.
Thebugbears avoidthe human members of the
Redbrands. If the characters are wearing scarlet cloaks
taken fromelsewhere, the bugbears assume thatthey
serve Iarno.Clevercharacters might evenpersuade
the bugbears to helpdealwith"traitors" or "impostors"
elsewhere in the dungeon. If youdon'tthink the players
are doinga greatjob roleplaying the deception, youcan
havethe character whois doingmostof the talking make
a DC15 Charisma (Deception) checkto convince the
bugbears to do whatthe party wants.

Thegoblin,Droop, is not a threat to the party.He has
been cowedby the bugbears andfollowstheirorders until.
someone stronger comes along.
If he regains consciousness during combat, Droop
hides andavoidsthe fight.He is sucha coward thatif



he is ordered to fight,he doesso withdisadvantage (as
explained in the rulebook).
Droop knowsthe general layoutof the Redbrand
hideout, as wellas the location of its secret doors and
traps. He doesn't thinkto offerup the information, but if
prompted, he reveals as' much as he canremember in an
attempt to be usefulto the party. Some of the details might
be confusing or mixed up. He is a goblin,afterall.
If the bugbears are dispatched, Droop tries to ingratiate
himself withthe party. He doesn't remember the route
to Cragmaw Castle, but he knows it's up north, in the
forest.He alsoknows thatCragmaw goblinspatrol around
Phandalin, andhe suggests the characters might be able
to capture a patrolto learn moreaboutthe castle.
Characters mightbe inclined to keepDroop around for a
while.Seethe "NPCParty Members" sidebar (page 11) for
adviceon howto runDroopas a member of the party.

Thebugbears are the onlyonesin the Redbrand hideout
whoknowthe location of WaveEchoCave.Theywon't
willingly divulgethisinformation, since theyfearthe
BlackSpider morethan theyfearthe characters.
Thebugbears alsoknow the location of Cragmaw
Castle, but again,theydon'tshare thisinformation readily.
A character whointerrogates a captured bugbear canpry
the information loose witha successful DC15 Charisma
(Intimidation) check.

Moskcarries a beltpouchcontaining 33 sp andwears
an eye patchmade of blackleather set withsemiprecious
stones (50 gp).He alsohasan ironkeythatlocksand
unlocks all the doors in the Redbrand hideout.

Divide 600 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeatsthe bugbears.

    Thisareaserves as the headquarters andmeeting room
    for the Redbrands. When there is no officialbusiness
    to discuss, it doubles as a common roomwhere the
    stronghold guards canrelaxwhile off duty.
    A character wholistens at the doorwitha successful DC
    10 Wisdom (Perception) checkhears the villainswithin
    engaged in a gameof knucklebones. Thismakes for a
    mysterious rattling sound, followedby shouts andgroans
    anda sudden gabbleof voicesas wagers are paid.If the
    characters burst intothe room, theyautomatically surprise
    its occupants.

Several worntables and chairs are scattered around thislarge
room. Wooden benches are drawn up against wallsdecorated
withdraperies of brown and red,and several ale kegsare
propped up and tapped.
Fourtough-looking human warriors wearing scarlet cloaks
are gathered around one of the tables. A stack of coinsand
trinkets is heaped upon the tabletop between them.
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