instead assembled a group of outlaws
andlocalruffians to secure his own
position in town.
larno knewof the BlackSpider
through his contactsin the Lords'
Alliance andbrokered a meeting. The
drowpromised to sharethe secrets
andwealth of the Forgeof Spells
withthe wizardin exchange for his
larno putson airsof gentilityand
courteous manners, addressing his
ruffians as "mygoodgentlemen,"
andreferring to sordidactssuch
as kidnappingor arsonas "that
unpleasant littlebusiness" or "those
unfortunate events."He refers to the
characters as "guests" andexpresses
regret thathe cannotprovidesuitable
entertainment for theirvisit.Beneath
his genteeldemeanor, however, larno
is justas thuggish andarrogant as any
Redbrand outlaws.
If threatened, larno useshis staff
of defenseto castmagearmoron
himself. He thencasts offensive spells
at enemies he cansee.Iarno's stat
blockcontains a list of the spellshe
hasprepared. Fordescriptions of
those spells andtheireffects, see the
rulebook.larno usesthe shield power of
his stafffor addedprotection.
If he is reducedto 8 or fewerhit
points andhasno avenuesof escape,
larno surrenders. He valueshis life
more thananything, andhe remains
a modelprisoner in the hopesthat
the BlackSpiderwillsomehow learn
of his predicamentand"arrange for
his freedom."
If he is questionedwhilein captivity,
larno relates the followinginformation,
all of which is true:
- The BlackSpider is a drow(darkelf).
TheBlackSpider sentthree bugbears
to helplarno keepthe population
of Phandalin undercontrol, but the
Redbrands havemanaged without
them.Thebugbears knowthe wayto
WaveEcho Cave,but larno doesnot. - The BlackSpider is searching
WaveEchoCavefor the Forgeof
Spells. Dwarves andgnomes of the
Phandelver's Pactusedthe magical
forgeto fashionpowerful magicitems.- No othermembers of the Lords'Alliance knowof
Iarno's betrayal.
- No othermembers of the Lords'Alliance knowof
Variouspapers andnotes are stacked neatly on the desk,
mostlyconsisting of larno's written orders to apothecaries
andalchemists in nearbysettlements for morematerials
for his workshop.Thecharacters alsofinda lettersigned
withthe BlackSpider's symbol.
My spiesin Neverwinter tell me thatstrangers are due to
arrive in Phandalin. Theycould be workingfor the dwarves.
Capture them if you can,kill themif you must,but don't allow
them to upset our plans.See thatany dwarven
maps in their possession are deliveredto me withhaste.
I'm countingon you,larno. Don't disappoint me.
If larnois takenintocustody,Sildar Hallwinter arranges
to havethe wizardincarcerated in the townmaster'shall
untilhe canbe safelytransported backto Neverwinter.
Whether larno stands trialfor his crimesis beyond
the scopeof thisadventure. TheBlackSpider is too
preoccupied to meddle in the wizard'sfate.
At the footof Iarno's bedis a sturdy,unlocked wooden
chestholdingthe bestpickings of the Redbrands'loot
overthe lasttwomonths. It contains 180 sp, 130gp,
anda silkpouch containing fivecarnelians (10 gp each),
twoperidots (15 gp each),andonepearl (100gp).It
alsocontains twomagic itemsthatlarno brought with
himfromNeverwinter: a scroll of charmpersonanda
scrollof fireball.
larno alsowields a staff of defense(seeappendix A).
Divide 200 XP equally among the charactersif the party
slayslarno Albrek. Doublethe XP awardif theycapture
larno anddeliverhimto SildarHallwinter in Phandalin.
Thenextstage of the adventurecontinues withpart3,
"TheSpider's Web,"in which the charactersundertake
a number of short adventures thatadvance the story.At
some pointduring part2, the charactersare likelyto
advance to 3rd level,so makesurethe playersare keeping
track of theirXP.