Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1
Goblins.Thegoblinsknow the locationof Cragmaw
Castle andcanprovidedirections if theyare capturedand
threatened. Each onecarries a pouch containing Id l.O cp.
Hobgoblins.Thissquad of hobgoblins is actively
seeking the adventurers,hoping to collect on a bounty.
Theyknow the locationof CragmawCastle but won't
provide directions unless theyare charmed. One
hobgoblin carries a crudely drawn sketch of oneparty
member, with"25goldpieces for thisone"anda symbol of
a blackspider drawn beneath it.
Ores.These scouts are partof the bandcurrently based
at Wyvern Tor.As theyroam, theylookfor travelers to
ambush or homesteads to burn.
Ow/bear.Thishungry predator picksup the characters'
scent andpursues them relentlessly.

Conyberryand Agatha'sLair

Thetownof Conyberry wassacked by barbarians years
agoandnowliesin ruins. TheTriboar Trailruns right
through the abandonedtown,providing an easylandmark
for locatingthe lair of the bansheeAgatha. From the ruins
of Conyberry,an old trailleadsnorthwest intoNeverwinter
Wood.Agatha's lair is a fewmilesoutside town.

The forest grows darkand still as the trailwindsdeeper into
the trees. Heavyvinesand thicklayersof mossdrape the
branches, and the air is noticeably colder than it wasin the
ruined village. Rounding a bendin the trail,you see a screen
made fromthe warpedbranches of treesstanding close
together, woveninto a domelike shelter in the shadows.A low
doorway leads inside.



If the charactersexercise caution andremember what
they'vecomefor, theywillbe ableto speakwiththe
banshee. When the charactersenter the shelter,read
the following:


A home of sorts is sheltered within the domeof woven
branches. It is sparsely furnished withchests, shelves, a
table, and a reclinedcouch, all of it old and of elvencraft.


Agathasenses the characters'intrusion andmanifests
shortly aftertheyenter her home.

Theair growscold,and a powerfulfeeling of dread gripsyou.
A cold,palelightflickers in the air, rapidlytaking on the form
of a female elf, her hair and robeswavingin a spectral wind.
She mighthavebeen beautiful once, but a hateful expression
twists her featuresnow."Foolish mortals," she snarls."What
do you wanthere? Do you not knowit is deathto seek me out?"

If the charactersare rude,disrespectful, or threatening,
Agatha scowls anddisappears. Shedoesnot attack them,
nor doesshereturn if the characterscallout to her.

If the charactersare respectfulandpolite,Agatha canbe
persuaded to helpthem witha successful DC15 Charisma
(Persuasion) check.Theplayerwhose character takes the
leadin speaking withthe bansheemakes the check.If that
playerrole playsthe encounterwell,allowhimor her to
makethe checkwithadvantage. If anycharacter hasSister
Garaele's silvercomb andpresents it to Agathaas a gift,
the checkis automatically successful.
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