Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1
Thedoors to this cottage are barredfromthe inside,
requiring a successful DC 20 Strength checkto force
open.Theshutters are also barred frominside andcanbe
forcedwitha successful DC15 Strength check.
Six humancultists are hiding in the house.Four stand
guard (twoin each room)while the othersrestin the
larger chamber. Thecultists wearblackcloaks cut to
resemble dragon wings,andblackleather masks with
stylized dragon horns. In addition to the Commontongue,
these cultists speak Draconic.
Theinterior of the houseis dustyandstrung with
cobwebs. Theonlyfurnishings are a small stove,a table,
twochairs, anda bunk(which the cultists share).

Thecultists are not interested in fightinganyone and
preferto be left alone.Theleader of the groupis an evil
andambitious youngman named Favric, whohopes to
risethrough the ranksquicklyby earning the allegianceof
the green dragon in area 7. Hisfellowcultists lackFavric's
ambition andfleeif he is captured or killed.
If the characterstalkto the cultists,Favricexplains that
theyhavecometo treatwiththe green dragon (whose
name he doesn'tknow).If the charactersexpress a similar
desire, Favricsuggests an alliance.He reallyplans to offer
the characters to the dragonas partof his tribute, andif a
fightensues, the cultistssidewiththe dragon.

In the mainroom,Favrichasa smallcoffercontaining
tribute for the green dragon: three diamonds (100gp
each).He alsocarries a potion of flying in a stoppered vial
around his neck.

Divide 150 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeats or drives awaythe cultists.


Thiscragis a prominent landmark in the ruggedhills
northeast of the SwordMountains, andis easilyvisible
fromtwentymilesaway.People traveling alongthe
Triboar Trailin the vicinityof Conyberry catchglimpses of
Wyvern Torto the southas theygo. Thetor wasformerly
the home of a largeanddangerous nestof wyverns, but
a bandof boldadventurers dealtwiththe monstersyears
ago.Though the wyvernsnever returned, other creatures
lair herefromtimeto time.WyvernTor'scurrent squatters
includea bandof ores andtheirogre ally.
Theoresare scoutsof the ManyArrows tribe. These
oresoftenroamintothe morecivilized areas of the North,
spying out humansettlements, waylaying travelers,
andlootingandplundering as opportunities present
themselves. Stories of newsettlers nearPhandalin and
renewed trafficalong the old TriboarTraildrew thisband
to the area. Theirleader is BrughorAxe-Biter-a savage
brute whois moreinterested in murdering andlooting
than scouting.


Wyvern Toris a sizable hill,withmiles of ruggedterrain
on its flanks andslopes. Searching for the hiddenore
camptakes time.Theparty canattempt oneDC 15

Wisdom (Perception) check or DC10 Wisdom (Survival)
checkper hourto findthe camp,madeby the character
leading the way.
Whenthe charactersfindthe camp,read the following:

The faintsmellof smoke hangs on the air as you ascenda
rugged ridgeon the lowerslopes of the hill. Fiftyyardsaway,
a cavemouth opens up at the bottom of a ravine. Hunkered
down by a bouldertwenty yardsoutside the cave, keeping
watch, is a single ore.

If the characterscanquietlyandexpeditiously takeout
the loneore, theyhavea chance to surprise the oresin the
cave.If the sentryspots the characterssneaking up, or if it
is not silencedduring the surpriseround,the ore retreats
backto the caveto warn the others.
Themarauders in the caveinclude Brughor Axe-
Biter(an orewith30 hit points),six ordinaryores, and
a filthyogre named Gog.Gogfightsuntilslain,while
the oresfightuntilBrughor is killed, at whichpointany
remaining oresflee.

Brughor's bandplundered several homesteads farther
north on their wayto WyvernTor.An unlocked treasure
chestin the caveholds 750 cp, 180sp, 62 ep, 30 gp, and
three vialsof perfume(10 gp each).

Defeating the monstersat WyvernTorcompletes a quest
givento the partyby TownmasterHarbin Wester in
Phandalin, andit delivers on a promise to Hamun Kost
at OldOwlWell.Divide1,250XP equallyamongthe
characters if the partydeals withthe oresandthe ogre.


TheCragmaw tribeconsists of marauding bands andrival
goblinholds scattered throughout the areaof the Triboar
Trailandthe NeverwinterWood.However, onechieftain is
grudgingly recognized by all othersas supreme:KingGrol
of Cragrnaw Castle.
Cragmaw Castleis not a goblinconstruction, nor is
thatthe structure'soriginal name. Raised by a talented
wizard-noble of old Phalorm, an ancient realm thatonce
controlled much of the North,the strongholdconsists of
sevenoverlapping towers;however, its upperlevelshave
longsincecollapsed to heapsof crumbling masonry. Only
the groundflooris stillsound enough to be habitable.

Thecenturies havenot beenkindto Cragmaw Castle.
Thegoblins haveshored up the weakest areas beneath its
fallingtowers withcrude timbers, but it's onlya matter of
timebefore the structurecollapses completely.
Ceilings.Ceilings are 15 feethighunless
noted otherwise.
Doors. Interior doors are madeof woodreinforced with
ironbands.Theyhaveneither locks nor keyholes. It takes
a successful DC15 Strength check to break downa door
thatis barricaded shut.
Floors.Cracked anduneven flagstones conceal a dirt

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