Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1


Light.A smallamount of natural lightfiltersthrough the
arrow slitsaround the castle. During the day,thisprovides
dimlightin most areas. At night,all areas are dark.
Walls.Exterior walls andload-bearing interior walls
are 5 feetthick,with3 feetof mortared fill sandwiched
between 1-foot-thickcourses of hardstone blocks. Interior
walls areI-foot-thick worked stone.
Arrowslitsin the castlewalls are10 feetabovethe
outside ground level,4 feetabovethe interior floorlevel, 8
inches wide,and4 feethigh.A creature on onesideof an
arrow slit gains three-quarters coveragainst attacks from
the other side(see"Cover"in the rulebook).

    Themain gatesbetween areas 1 and2 are made
    of bronze-covered wood,but theyare corroded

Thecastle consists of seven crumbling towers of different
sizes and heights, but the upper stories are all in varying
states of collapse. A short flightof steps leads up to a terrace
in front of themain entryway. Pastthe wreckage of a pairof
sundered doors liesa shadowed hall. Round towers loom
overtheentranceway, with dark arrow slits looking down on
the terrace.

No monsters dwellhere, but the goblinsentries in area
3 are supposed to be keeping watch.Theyglance only
occasionally out of the arrow slits,however, so characters
whomovequietlymight be ableto creeppastthem. Have
eachcharacter makea Dexterity (Stealth) check.The
lowest checkis the DC for the goblins' Wisdom checks to
notice the party.

If the goblins spotthe characters (or if the characters
approach openly),the goblinsshoot arrows frombehind
the arrow slits.However,theycan'tfire directly at enemies
at or past the brokengate.Thegoblinsalsoshoutloudly

Ratherthan storm Cragmaw Castle withweapons in hand,
clever characters might try to talktheirwayinside. For example,
theymight donthe scarlet cloaks of the Redbrands andclaim
to be emissaries sent by larno "Glasstaff" Albrek, the Redbrand
leader, to meet with KingGrol.A good OMrewards thiskind of
cleverthinking by givingthe characters a chance to succeed.
It's okayif the characters circumvent combat andtalktheir
waypast castle defenders. Boththe Cragmaw tribeandthe
Redbrands workfor the BlackSpider, so the goblinoids aren't
likelyto attack the partyif theyclaimto be working in theBlack
Spider's interest.
If the characters try to perpetrate a deception as a group,
havethem each make a Charisma (Deception) check contested
by the monsters' Wisdom (Insight) checks, and givethe
characters advantage on theirchecks if the deception is
particularly wellplanned or roleplayed. If at least onecharacter
winsthe contest, the deception is a success. Youmayaward XP
for monsters fooled by the deception. As the partymakes its
waydeeper intothe castle, additional checks might be required,
at yourdiscretion.


enough to alerttheircomrades in areas 4 and6 that the
castle is underattack.


Oncethe castle's foyer,thiswidehallmakes a dangerous

Doors stand closed to the north and south, with a crumbling
mound of rubble partially obscuring the southern hall.To the
east, a broad corridor ends in twomore doors leading south
and east. Thecorridor is cluttered with dusty rubble and
fallen plaster from a partial collapse of the ceiling overhead.

If the goblinsentries in area 3 raised the alarm, the
goblins andhobgoblins in areas 4 and6 comerunning out
of the north andsouth doors at the sametime.Theyattack
frombothdirections, trying to overwhelm the adventurers
anddrivethem out of the castle.
Trap.Thedustyplaster andrubble in frontof the door
leading to area8 conceals a copper tripwire connected
to linchpins hidden in the ruined ceiling. Spotting the
tripwire requires a passiveWisdom (Perception) score of
at least20, or a successful DC10 Wisdom (Perception)
check if characters are activelysearching for traps in the
area. Oncespotted, the tripwire is easilyavoidedand
disarmed (no abilitycheckrequired).
Anycreature thatwalks overor through the rubble
without avoidingthe tripwire triggers a cave-inof wooden
beams andheavystones. (Thearea of the collapse is
marked on the map.)Anycreature in the areawhenthe
traptriggers must succeed on a DC10 Dexterity saving
throw or take 3d6bludgeoning damage fromthe falling
rubble (halfas muchdamage on a successful save).The
noise of the collapse putsthe monsters in areas 3, 7, 8,
and9 on alert.

Divide 100 XP equally among the characters if the party
detects or survives the trap.


Cragmaw Castle's maindefenses are its secret location
andthe appearance of having been abandoned. In
addition, KingGrolposts sentries to driveoff intruders
whoget too close.


This small room is littered withdebris. Thearrow slit
opposite the door offers a finefieldof fire overthe terrace in
front of the castle gates.

Twogoblinsoccupyeachof these tworooms. By taking
turns shooting arrows andducking back,botharchers can
fire eachround at targets outside. Whencharacters enter
the room,the goblins droptheirshortbows anddrawtheir

Divide 100 XP equallyamong the characters for eachpair
of goblinarchers the party defeats.
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