Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1
Fourplainstrawpallets and bedrolls are lined up on the
floor of thisbarracks. Brackets on the wallsholda number
of weapons-spears, swords, morningstars, and more.The
north wallshows signs of damage, but the flooris swept
clean of rubble.

Four hobgoblinsare quarteredin this room.Because
theirgoblin neighbors are alwaysgetting intofights,they
don'tpayattention to noisein areas 2 or 3. However, they
are quickto defend theirtowerif anyintruders appear, or
to respond to an alarm raised by the goblinsentries.

Mounted to the wallsare fivespears, fourlongswords,
three morningstars, twogreatswords, anda fine
quarterstaff. Thequarterstaff is engraved withstylized
feathers, is surprisingly light(lIb.), andworth 10 gp.

Divide 400 XP equallyamongthe characters if the party
defeats the hobgoblinsin thisroom.


Thelordof the castle onceentertained his guests here,
throwing lavishbanquets and dances. Nowthis placeis a
foulgoblinmess hall.


The westernportion of thislargehall endsin a wallof rubble,
but the remainderis still intact.Thismust once havebeenthe
castle's banquet hall,witha soaring ceiling twenty-five feet
high.Twolargewooden tables withplainbenches stand in the
middle of the room, and a brassbrazier full of glowingcoalsis
tucked into one corner.Dirtydishes, half-fullstewpots, moldy
heels of bread, and gnawed bones cover the tables.

Thishallholdssevenmiserable goblinsandtheir
leader-a fat, cantankerousgoblinwith 12 hit points
named Yegg.Yeggis the chiefcookfor the Cragmaws,
andhe viciously bullies his unwilling assistants as they
go aboutthe workof putting foodon the tribe's table.If
Yeggis killed,anygoblins left alivefleeto the eastor west,
avoiding the north doorbecause of the trapin area 2.

Divide 400 XP equallyamong the characters if the party
defeats the goblins in thisroom.


Evenby day,this area hasno exterior light.The boxed
textassumes thatthe characters havedarkvision or a

Thishigh, narrow hall looksas ifit might havebeen partof
a chapel or shrine at one time. Angelic figures are sculpted
along the room's upper reaches, looking down on the floor
below.To the north,heavycurtains blocka matching pair of
archways. Between the archways is a cracked but ornately
carved stone brazier.

This chamber contains a grick-the special pet of the
goblinLhupo(area 9). Thegricklikesto climbup to a
ledgehidden in the shadows of the statuary in the higher
reaches of the room.It quietly observes intruders that
enter the areabefore dropping downto strike. Compare
the grick'sDexterity (Stealth) checkto the characters'
Wisdom (Perception) checks (or their passive scores) to
determine whoamongthem is surprised. The grickknows
thatgoblins are not to be eaten unless Lhuposaysso.
Therest of the Cragmaws are terrified of Lhupo's pet and
hurrythrough thisroom, preferably in twosor threes.
Anyclericwhoexamines the chapel's decor canattempt
a DC10 Intelligence (Religion)check to identifythe deities
thatwereoncerevered here:Oghma (godof knowledge),
Mystra (goddess of magic),Lathander (godof dawn),and
Tymora (goddess of luck).This is an obvioussignthatthe
builders of the castle were human.

If combat erupts here,the goblins in area 9 cannot
be surprised.

Thestone brazier contains a mound of coal,buried under
which is a goldstatuette of a sunelf (100gp) wrapped in
crimson cloth.A goblinhid the figurinehere, hoping his
fellowgoblins wouldn't stealit fromhim.
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