the mine.Thenthe doppelgangerintends to kill the dwarf
anddestroy the map.
If the villainshavebeenwarned thatan attackis
imminent, Vyerithhides behind the doorto the northeast,
leavingit opena crackandhoping to attack an intruder
fromthe rear.GrolholdsGundren hostage, ready to kill
the dwarfif the charactersdon'tbackoff.
ArrowSlits.Thearrow slitsare15 feetabovethe
ground outside, andthe creatureshere aren't keeping
watch.Theyare unlikelyto notice intruders moving
around the exteriorof the castle.
NorthwestRoom.Thispartially collapsed chamber was
oncea comfortable bathroom. It stillcontains a large tile
tub,unused by the castle'scurrent occupants.
UnconsciousDwarf.Nearthe southwestcorner of the
roomis Gundren Rockseeker, a dwarf commoner.He is
unconscious but stable at 0 hit points.
If Grolis killed,Vyerithtriesto kill Gundrenandfleewith
the map,heading toward area11 andescaping through
the concealedcanvas door.If cornered, the doppelganger
fightsto the deathrather than allowitselfto be captured.
If Gundren is revived,he thanksthe partyfor coming
to his rescuebut won'tleaveCragmaw Castlewithout his
map.Unfortunately, he doesn'tknowwhere King Grolhas
hidden it (seethe "Treasure"section).
Hiddenunder Grol'sbedmattress is a stitchedleather
sackcontaining 220 sp, 160ep, threepotionsof healing,and
Gundren's mapto WaveEchoCave.
Divide 950 XP equally amongthe charactersif the party
defeats KingGrol,the wolf,andthe doppelganger.
Awardan additional 200 XP to the partyif the
characters rescue Gundren Rockseeker andescort him
safelybackto Phandalin.
Youcanadda complication in the formof a hobgoblin war
band returning home,justas the charactersare preparing
to leave.Thiswarbandconsists of three hobgoblinsled
by TargorBloodsword, a hobgoblin with20 hit points.
Targoralsohastwowolvesas pets.
Thehobgoblins haveno treasure, but 1d4of themcarry
bloodysacks, eachcontaining a severed elf head.The
severed headsare trophies fromthe hobgoblins'recent
victoryoveran elf huntingparty.
Clevercharacters mighttry to reasonwithTargor by
urging himto thinkof himselfas Grol'ssuccessor rather
than Grol'savenger.Targor haslongaspired to leadthe
Cragmaw tribe, so he mightdo the adventurersthe favor
of not killingthem,provided oneor morecharacters
succeed on a DC15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
Divide 500 XP equally amongthe charactersif theydefeat
the hobgoblinwarbandor com~to termswithTargor.
If GundrenRockseeker survives the ordealat Cragmaw
Castle, he offersthe charactershis thanksandasksthat
theyescort himbackto Phandalin andthenventure
to WaveEchoCaveto learn the fateof his brothers,
Nundro andTharden. He knowsthatsomeone called
the BlackSpider orchestrated his captureandhopes
thatthe characters stopthe villain.Uponreturning to
Phandalin, Gundren offersthe characters25 gp each
for theirassistance andpromises the partya 10 percent
share of the mine'swealth oncehis operation there is
up andrunning.
Whether the characterssought the informationfrom
Agatha or Reidoth, negotiated withHamun Kost,or
recovered Gundren andhis mapfromCragmaw Castle,
theynowknow the locationof WaveEchoCave.Theonly
thingleft for themto do is seek out the old dwarvendelve
anddiscoverfor themselves whothe BlackSpider is, and
whyhe'sso interested in the LostMineof Phandelver.