Fifteen mileseastof Phandalin, in the deepvalesof the
Sword Mountains, liesWaveEchoCave.Therichmine
of the Phandelver'sPactwaslostfivehundred years ago
during ore invasionsthatdevastated thispartof the North.
In the centuries since,countless prospectors and
adventurers havesearched for the lostmine,but none
succeeded untilthe Rockseekerbrothers foundthe
entrance a month ago.Unfortunately, the Rockseekers
did not realizetheywerebeingtrailed by spiesworking
for Nezznar,the BlackSpider, andtheyinadvertently led
the drowvillain to theirprize.Nezznar andhis followers
dealtwiththe twoRockseekers whowereguarding their
find,thenarranged for Gundren's ambush. Learning of the
adventurers' involvement withGundren or theirexploitsin
andaround Phandalin, the BlackSpider hasgivenorders
for the charactersto be dealtwith.Meanwhile, Nezznar
hasbegun his explorationof WaveEchoCave.
Thedrowis searchingfor the Forgeof Spells, where
the humanmages of old Phandalinenchanted dwarven
weapons andgnomegadgets. However, Nezznar's
exploration hasbeenhindered by the restlessundead and
dangerous monsters thatlurkin WaveEchoCave,forcing
himto proceed withgreat caution.
Theadventurers nowhavethe chanceto aid Gundren,
avengehis kin,andput a stopto the nefariousschemes
of the BlackSpider. Andof course,the hoardof powerful
magic rumored to be hiddenin the minesis a richprize.
Thispartof the adventure is designedfor charactersof
at least4th levelandassumes thateachcharacter has
earned at least2,700XP.If the adventurers skipped too
many of the optionalinvestigations andencounters in part
3, theymight not be 4th level,andmany of the encounters
in thissection mightbe difficultfor them.
Experience PointAwards
In thispartof the adventure,XP is awarded for
overcoming monsters, as in parts2 and3. However,
XP awardsfor monsters is not givenin the encounter
description. Instead, the amountof XP thata monster
is worthis notedin its statblock(seeappendix B). You
calculate the awardby totaling the valuefor eachmonster
the charactersovercome. Additional XP awards, andthe
reasons for them,are describedin the text,under the
"Awarding Experience Points" heading.
Monsters roamthrough all areas of the mine.Random
encounters remind players thatmonsters aren't
necessarily confined to specificareas, andthatno partof
the dungeonis safe.Encounters withwandering monsters
are an effectivewayto keepthe playersandcharacters
on theirtoes,alleviate playerboredom, andtax party
resources. However, havingtoo manyrandom encounters
canbecome tedious, so usethem sparingly.
If the charactersspend a longtimein a givenarea,you
cancheck for wandering monsters by rollinga d20.On a
roll of 17-20,an encountertakes place.Conversely, if the
players seemrestless, youcandecidethat an encounter
occurs. Rolla d12andconsult the WanderingMonsters
tableto determine whatthe partymeets.
d12Roll Result
1-3 Sti rges (2d4)
4-5 Ghouls (ld4)
6 Gricks (ld4)
7-8 Bugbears (ld4)
9 Skeletons (1d6)
10 Zombies (ld6)
11-12 Ochre Jelly(1)
Themine is cold,damp,andsurprisingly drafty.A
noticeable breeze blowsthrough manyof its passages,
flowingfromarea 1 toward area 16.
Ceilings.Tunnels are 10 feethighunless noted
otherwise. Rooms have20-foot-high ceilings, while
natural caverns have30-foot-high ceilings dotted
Doors.Unless notedotherwise, all doors are 6 feettall,
4 feetwide,andmade of six-inch-thick cut slabsof stone
fittedwithironhandles andhinges. Thedoors are lowand
wide-perfect for dwarves.
Wal1s.Thewalls are hewnstone.In a fewareas (14,15,
19, and20),theyare dressedwithwell-fitted stone blocks.
Floors.All floorsare smooth,natural stone.
Light.Noneunless otherwise indicated. Theboxed
textassumes thatthe charactershavelightsources
or darkvision.
Stalagmites. Found in manyof the naturalcaverns,
these spires of rockriseup fromthe floorandcanbe used
for cover(see"Cover"in the rulebook).
All the encountersin thispartof the adventureare keyed
to the mapof WaveEchoCave.