Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1
All good dungeons havecharacteristics that makethem unique,
andWave EchoCaveis no exception. Therhythmic thunder of
pounding waves echoes throughout the mine,loud enough
to makethe stone underfoot shiver.Waves come about two
minutes apart, growing louder toward the northeast.
Wave EchoCaveis nowhere near the ocean,but a water-filled
cavern deep in the mine is connected to an underground hot
spring. That spring boilsovercontinuously to producea surge
thatslams intoa narrow funnel, making a sound likebreaking
surf.Describe thissound to players on occasion. It willpique
theircuriosity andlurethem toward its source,drawing them
deeper intothe mineas a consequence.

    Whether the charactersfollowGundren's mapor receive
    directions to WaveEcho Cavefromanother source, their
    initial approach leadsthem to a narrow tunnel whose
    entrance is hiddenwithin the SwordMountain foothills.

Theentrance tunnel leads intoa large-cavern supported by a
natural pillarof rockand containing three stalagmites. In the
western part of the cave,behind the columnofrock, are three
bedrolls anda heap of ordinary supplies-sacks of flour,
bagsof salt, casks of saltedmeat, lanterns, flasks of lamp oil,
pickaxes, shovels, and other gear.Amid thesupplies, yousee
thebody of a dwarfminer, dead for at leasta week.
Thenortheastern section of the cavernhascollapsed,
forming a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot-deep pit. A sturdyhemp
rope is tiedoff around a nearby stalagmite anddangles down
the sideof thepit, at thebottom of which is a rough-hewn
tunnel heading northwest and east.

Thiswasthe campsiteof the Rockseekers.Thedead
dwarfis Tharden, Gundren's brother, whowaskilled
by the BlackSpider. Gundren's otherbrother, Nundro,
washereas wellandis currently the BlackSpider's
prisoner in area20.
Thedwarves' supplies are potentiallyuseful, but not
particularly valuable.
OpenPit. Climbing up or down the wallof the pit
without a rope requires a successful DC15 Strength
(Athletics) check.A character whofailsthe checkby 5
or morefallsandtakes Id6bludgeoning damage per 10
feetfallen, landing prone at the bottom.Thetunnel at the
bottom of the pit leadsnorthwest toward area 2 andeast
toward area3.

Tharden wears a pairof boots of stridingand springing.In
his haste to explore the restof WaveEcho Cave,Nezznar
overlooked them.


Thismaze of passagesis an old sectionof WaveEcho
Cave'soriginal mine site.



This areaconsists of numerous intersecting passages.
Theceilings hereare onlysix feethigh, andseveral of the
passages end in partially excavated rockfaces.


Thedead-end passages are placeswhere the minersgave
up anddecided to moveon to otherspots. Patiently lurking
in oneis an ochrejelly.When the partyenters thissection
of the mine,the jellybegins to stalk the group,instinctively
waiting for an opportunityto attacka lonetarget.


Thetunnel thatruns southwasthe originalentrance to
WaveEchoCave,but it wasburied by the destructionthat
wracked the minescenturies ago.A pitched battlewas
foughtherewhen the oresstormed the mines.Thedead
stilllie wheretheyfell.

Many tunnels intersect at thisnatural, thirty-foot-high cavern.
Thewalls are carvedwith simple reliefs showing dwarf and
gnome miners hard at work.Below them, nearly twodozen
skeletons in rusted scraps of armorare scatteredacross the
cavern floor. Some are dwarfskeletons, while others are orc
remains. Halfa dozen largebrass lanterns stand in niches or
on ledgesaround the cavern,butnone are lit.

Clingingto the ceilinglikebatsare ten stirges.The
monsters findscant livingpreyin the mines,andthey
are ravenous. If the charactersare looking downat
the skeletonson the floor,the stirgesare likelyget the
dropon them. Anycharacter whoisn'twatching the
ceilingis surprised unless his or her passiveWisdom
(Perception) score is higherthanthe stirges'Dexterity
(Stealth) checktotal(rolloncefor all of them).Characters
whoaren't surprised heara flapping noise as the stirges
descend to attack.
Thelanterns andthe carvingsof miners at workwere
meant as a welcometo newcomers.


Thisguardroom once protected the nearbyentrance to
the mine,but it wasoverrun earlyin the fightingwhenthe

Splintered stone benches andheaps of rubblefrom a
partially collapsed ceiling fill thisroom. Amid ruined stone
bunks andtoppled weapon racks are thebones of several
dwarves andorcs.

In the roundafteranylivingcreature enters thischamber,
the bonesbegin to stir andknittogether, forming nine
skeletons. Theyfightuntildestroyed.


Themine's assayers worked here,weighing andassessing
ore samples andpayingthe minorsfor theirlabor.
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