This chamber wasonce an officeor storeroom of some kind.
A largestone counter bisects theroom, set withthree dusty
balance scales made of iron. Cubbyholes carved intothe
north wallare stuffedwith dusty paper scraps. Several long-
dead corpses-gnomes and ores by theirlook-are sprawled
across the floor.
Thecenturies-old paper in the cubbyholesdisintegrates
if touched, but a character whoreads Dwarvish cansee
faintmarkings on a fewscraps, recording weigh-ins and
Behind the countersitsa lockedironstrongbox, requiring
thieves' toolsanda successful DC 20 Dexteritycheckto
open.Thispaychest wasoverlooked in the fightingand
contains 600 cp, 180sp, 90 ep, and60 gp.
Thiswasa miners' barracks, where the skilled delvers
working in WaveEchoCaverested between shifts.Any
character wholistens at the partiallyopendoorhears faint
crunching andsplintering sounds witha successful DC 10
Wisdom (Perception) check.
Oldstone bunks in orderly rows linethe walls of this
chamber, and a corroded iron brazier full of old coalsstands
nearthe middle of the room. Thebones of a halfdozen
dwarves andorcs lie strewn about, cladin scraps of armor.
Three gray,hunched figures squat among theremains,
pawing at the scraps and gnawing on thebones.
Three ghouls fromthe packin area9 are here,cracking
andgnawing on the ancientbones of the fallenin the vain
hopethatsome tastymorsel of marrow remains. The
ghouls, eagerfor a freshmeal, attack immediately.
Despite the destruction all around, the northernpartof
thisstorage areahassurvived intact.
Theeastern wallof this chamber has collapsed intoa mass of
rubble. To the north,a door stands ajar,leading to a good-
sized storeroom. Dusty kegs are tuckedneatly against the
walls, all of themcracked and split open from age.
It's not comfortable,but the storeroomis a secure
resting place.No monsters comethisway.Moreover,the
storeroom dooris in goodshape andcaneasily be blocked
or barredfromthe inside.
Thecontents of the kegshavelongevaporated.
Thiscavehashindered Nezznar's explorations. Thedrow
suspects thatthe mine's magic workshops are close by, but
he'sreluctant to riskdealing withthe monstershere.
Dense carpets of weird fungicover large sections of the floor
in thiscavern. Thegrowth includes puffballs a foot across,
weird shelf fungus growing on stalagmites, and large stalks
andcaps a good fivefeet tall.Some of the puffballs glowwith
an eerie green phosphorescence.
Mostof the fungiis harmless, andthe green-glowing fungi
allowcreatures to see the entirecavern without the aid of
darkvision or a lightsource.
PoisonGas.Whenever a creature attempts to cross
the cavern,the carpets of fungithatcovermostof the
floorrelease poisonous gas intothe air. Eachcreature in
the cavernmustsucceed on a DC11 Constitution saving
throw or take 3d6poison damage andbe poisoned for 10