minutes (seethe rulebook for more information on the
poisoned condition). Thegas disperses after1 minute,
but untilthen, anylivingcreature thatendsits turn in the
cavern must repeat the savingthrow.
Thiscaveonceserved as the banquet room,meeting area,
andmead hallfor the miners.
Steep escarpments divide thislargecavern into three
sections-high ledges at either end, and a lowersection in
the middle. Carved stone stairs climbup to the ledges. Two
largetables stand in the middle section, along witha pair
of old braziers. A smaller table stands on the eastern ledge.
Theskeletal remains of dozens of dead warriors-dwarves,
gnomes, orcs, and ogres-attest to the fierceness of the
fighting thattook placeherelongago.
Seven ghoulslurkin the shadows on the western ledge.
Theynotice anylightor noiseelsewhere in the caveand
quicklybound downto attack. Theundead are hungry and
Theescarpments are 10 feethighandrequire a
successful DC12 Strength (Athletics) checkto climb.A
creature thatfallsor is knocked fromthe top of a ledge
takes 1d6bludgeoning damage andlands prone.
Treasure is concealed in thiswater-filled cave.
A still poolfills much of this cavern. The water is dark,
revealing littleof what might lie within. Theshore of the pool
consists of a thinlayerof broken shells from strange, pale
mussels, and a fishyodor hangs in the air.
A passage leads south from this area,and a set of steps
climbs up to the east. A sluggish stream flowsout of the cave
to the northeast.
Thepoolis 20 feetdeepin the middle. Thestream to the
northeast is 3 feetdeep,andthe ceilingof the passage is
2 to 3 feetabovethe water.Characters caneasilywade
through the stream to area 18.
A character whoexplores the poolfindsan old skeleton
lyingon the bottom, 10 feetfromthe shore andunder 10
feetof water.These are the remains of a human wizard
fromold Phandalin whodieddefending the mines against
the ore attackers. Several ore arrows are stilllodgedin the
skeleton's ribcage.
Theskeleton wears twoplatinum rings (75 gp each)and
clutches a wand of magic missilesin its bonyfingers.
Theeastern dooris barricaded frominsidethe room and
requires a successful DC 20 Strength checkto forceopen.
A character wholistens at either doorandsucceeds on
a DC10 Wisdom (Perception) check hears gruffvoices
speaking Goblin andtalking abouthowhungry theyare.
Old stone bunks line the wallsof this barracks, whichis lit and I
heated by a glowing ironbrazier in the middle of the room..
If the partyenters fromthe west, add:
Across the room is another door, this one blocked by a
barricade madefrom the remains of a wooden table.
Fivebugbearsreside in thischamber. Theyare loyal
minions of Nezznar. Thisroommarks the frontlinein
the BlackSpider's assault on WaveEchoCave,andthe
bugbears are here to prevent ghouls, zombies, or other
undead fromtroubling their master in his lair (area19).
Likearea6, thiswasformerlya barracks for miners.
Nezznar's bugbears removed the corpses theyfound here
andbuiltthe barricade.
Thelargest bugbear carries a pouchcontaining 15 cp, 13
ep, anda potion of vitality.
Likethe fungicavern at area 8, thischamber poses a
serious obstacle thatprevents Nezznar fromreaching
his objective-the Forge of Spells (area 15).Thedrowis
stillformulating a planto get pastthe undead guardians
in thisarea.
A blastfurnace and a mechanical bellows powered by a
waterwheel dominate this largechamber. The furnace is cold
and dark, but heaps of coalare piled nearby, along withcarts
full of unrefined ore. The waterwheel sits in a ten-foot-wide
channel cut into the floorof the room, but the channel is dry.
Passages exit to the west, south, and east. The empty channel
exitsto the north and east.
Morethan a dozen withered corpses are scattered around
the room. These slaindwarves and orcsare still wearing
the remnants of their armor. Floating abovethem is a skull
engulfed in green flame.
Eightof the fallendwarf warriors are zombies. Theyrise
andpursue anylivingcreatures thatenter the room,but
theydo not pursue creatures outside thisareafor more
than 1 round. In addition, a far moreintelligent undead
guards thisarea: a ftameskull. Thiscreature wasa
servant of the human wizards alliedwiththe Phandelver
dwarves andgnomes, andit continues to act on ancient
instructions to prevent intruders frompassing through.
Thisimpressive chamber wasthe heart of the Wave
EchoCavemining operation. Here,the dwarves melted
downtheirore to refine ingots of silver,gold,andplatinum.
Thedry channel is where the dwarves diverted the stream
fromarea 18 to power the waterwheel here. Thatin turn
operated the bellows thatfed the furnace.
Thechannel's bottomis 5 feetbelowfloorlevel,andno
abilitycheckis required to scramble in or out.Characters
in the channel canfollowit out of thisroom to the north or
to the east,though the ceilingis only5 feethighafterthe
channel exitsthisroom.