Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1


Hereis where the wizardsalliedwiththe dwarvesand
gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact channeled the magic
of thesecaverns to enchant dwarven arms andgnome
gadgets. Thenorthernmost dooris scorched andcracked,
its ironhinges partially melted; forcingit openrequires
a successful DC15 Strength check.Thewestern double
doors are justas damaged but stand slightlyajar.


Thislargeworkshop was badlydamaged by the ancient
spell battle that laid waste to the mine.Worktables taking
up two corners of the room are scorched, and the plaster
has been burned off the masonrywalls. In the middle of the
room, a stone pedestal holds a small brazier in which an
eerie green flamedances and crackles. The brazier andits
pedestal appear to have been untouched by the forcesthat
destroyed thisarea.
Behindthe brazier of greenflamefloats a spherical creature
measuring roughlyfourfeet in diameter. Foureyestalks
protrude from its central mass,two on each side.In the
center of the bodyis a largeeye that stares at you.
"Hello," saysa thick, burbling voice inside yourhead.


Themonster thatguards thisroom is a spectator. One
of the humanwizards whoworked in the Forgeof Spells
summoned the creatureto guardthe magicitemscreated
andstored here.When the minewassacked, the ores
disturbed the delicate magicin the area,unhinging the
spectator's gripon reality.It hasbecome deranged and
believes thatthe mineis stillin use,ignoring all evidence
to the contrary.
Thewraith (area 14) wants to driveoff or kill the
spectator, but so far, the creaturehaseasilyhandled the
assaults of Mormesk's zombies andghoulswhile seeing
nothing strange about undead roaming the mine.If the
party attempts to removeanything fromthisarea, the
spectator attacks. If the spectatoris blindedsomehow, it
disappears backto its homeplane, convinced thatit can
no longerperform the taskfor whichit wassummoned.
Witha successful DC15 Charisma (Deception) check,
a character cantrickthe spectatorintothinking oneor
moreparty members are wizardsor miners whowork
for the ownersof WaveEchoCave,sentto terminate the
spectator's employment. If the deceptionsucceeds, the
spectator believes it is releasedfromits obligations,andit
disappears andreturns to its homeplane.
Brazierof Green Flame.A successful DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana)check identifies the brazieras the
source of the magicthatsuffuses the surroundingcaverns.
Thismagic haswaned overthe years, to the extent that
it canno longerbe harnessed to permanently enchant
magic items.However, anynonmagical weapon or armor
bathed in the greenflamefor at least 1 minute becomes a
+1 weaponor +1 armor, respectively, for Id12 hours (see
appendix A). Thebrazier cannot be removedfromthe
Forge of Spells.
Northern Room.Thissmallroom is a separate
workspace, where itemsbeing prepared for enchantment
werepolished, lacquered, andotherwise finished. Likethe
main workshop, it hasbeen almost completely destroyed.

On the worktablein the southeast corner of the room
are the lastitemsthe spectatorwascharged to protect:
Lightbringer andDrsgongusrd.
Lightbringer. This+1 mace wasmadefor a clericof
Lathander, the godof dawn.Thehead of the maceis
shaped likea sunburst andmadeof solidbrass. Named
Lightbringer, thisweapon glowsas bright as a torchwhen
its wieldercommands. While glowing, the macedeals an
extra Id6radiant damage to undead creatures.
Dragonguard. This+1 breastplate hasa golddragon
motifworked intoits design. Created for a humanhero of
Neverwinter named Tergon, it grants its weareradvantage
on saving throws against the breathweapons of creatures
thathavethe dragon type.


Thesound of pounding surfthatgivesWaveEchoCaveits
name canbe traced to thiswater-filled cavern.
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