Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Jeff_L) #1

bludgeoning damage fromfallingrubble andfallingprone
on a failure, or taking onlyhalfthe damage on a success.
Table.Thetableis strewn withnotes andmaps showing
Nezznar's effortsat exploring the mineso far. A black
leather sack of treasure is amidthe papers (seethe
"Treasure" section).

Eventhough he intends to kill the characters, Nezznar
is curious aboutthem.Giventhe chance, he quizzes the
characters at length regarding theiridentities, allegiances,
interests, andgoals,.He filesit all awayin memory in the
hopethatsomeday he mightfinda usefor whathe learns.
Nezznar admits to being the BlackSpider, andto using
the Cragmaw goblins andthe Redbrands to ensure that
WaveEchoCaveremains his secret. He willsay or do
anything to put the characters off theirguard, including
promising to surrender or proposing cooperation against
the monsters impeding his progress toward reaching the
Forgeof Spells. However, he betrays the characters as
soon as theyoutlivetheirusefulness.



Thecreatures in area 18 canhearsounds of combatin
thisroom.If theyhaven'talready been dealtwith,they
arrive after3 rounds andact immediately afterNezznar's
giantspiders in the initiative count.
If the characters capture Nezznar anddeliverhimto
the townmaster's hallin Phandalin, the drowis locked
up untilSildar Hallwinter or another representative of
the Lords' Alliance canescort himto Neverwinter to face
justice andinterrogation. However, unless the characters
postguards outside Nezznar's cell,Halia Thornton (see
page 17) breaks himout of jail,smuggles himout of
Phandalin, anddelivershimintothe waiting arms of the
Zhentarim. TheZhents wantto learn everything the Black
Spider knows aboutWaveEcho Cave.What happens to
Nezznar at thatpointis up to you.

Nezznar carries a potion of healing anda spider staff.In
addition, the drowcarries an ironkey witha headshaped
likean anvil.Thiskey unlocks the doorto area 20.
Nezznar's exploration of WaveEcho Cavehasyielded
sometreasure, which the drowkeeps in the sackon the
wooden table.Thesackcontains 190 ep, 130gp, 15 pp,
ninesmallgemstones (10 gp each),anda dwarven ale mug
madeof hammered electrum (100gp).

If Nezznar is captured aliveanddelivered to Sildar
Hallwinter or Townmaster Wester in Phandalin, award
the partydoublehis XP value.

    Thedoorto thisroomis locked, requiring thieves' tools
    anda successful DC15 Dexterity checkto open. Nezznar
    (area 19) carries the key.
    Unless the characters are beingstealthy, anyactivityat
    the doorattracts the attention of Nezznar andhis allies
    in area 19, prompting the drowto sendhis giantspiders
    to investigate.


Dusty draperies adorn the wallsof this room, which also
contains a bed and brazier. A badlydisheveled dwarflies
bound and unconscious on the coldstone floor.

Thisroom formerlybelonged to the priest in charge
of Dumathoin's temple(area 19),but Nezznar has
appropriated it for useas a cell.Thefigurelyingon the
flooris Nundro, a dwarfcommoner andthe youngest
of the three Rockseeker brothers. Nezznar spared him
because he thought the dwarf mightknow moreaboutthe
mine than he admitted. Thedrowhasinterrogated Nundro
harshly onceor twicea dayeversince capturing him.

Nundro is grateful if the adventurers rescue him,andhe
offersto tag along for the duration of theirstayin Wave
Echo Cave.Nundro doesn't knowanymoreaboutthe
layoutthan the characters, so he hasn't much to offer
in the wayof usefulinformation. Seethe "NPCParty
Members" sidebar (page 11) for tipson running Nundro.
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