SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Review Questions

1 . Elements    in  a   given   period  have    the same

(A) atomic  weight
(B) maximum azimuthal quantum number
(C) maximum principal quantum number
(D) valence electron structure
(E) atomic number

2 . Arrange the following   species in  terms   of  increasing  atomic  (or ionic)  radius:

Sr, P,  Mg, Mg2+

3 . Which   of  the following   elements    has the lowest  electronegativity?

(A) Cesium
(B) Strontium
(C) Calcium
(D) Barium
(E) Potassium

4 . Arrange the following   calcium species in  terms   of  increasing  size:

Ca, Ca+,    Ca2+,   Ca3+,   Ca–,    Ca2–

5 . The order   of  the elements    in  the periodic    table   is  based   on
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