SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
corresponding   neutral atoms,  and the greater the negative    charge, the larger  the ionic   radius
(see answer to question 2, above).

5 . C
Refer to the first paragraph of this chapter.

6 . A
Refer to the first paragraph of this chapter.

7 .  Ba <   Ru  <   Ga  <   N   <   F
Remember two common trends when ordering atoms according to their ionization energies.
First, the ionization energy increases toward the right across a period, because the elements
are less willing to give up an electron as the attractive pull of the nucleus increases. Second,
the ionization energy decreases down a group, because the distance separating the valence
electrons from the nucleus increases. Therefore, to order the elements according to their first
ionization energy, it is necessary to go from the bottom left of the periodic table, where the
lowest values are, across to the top right of the periodic table, where the highest values are.

8 .  Cl >   P   >   Zn  >   Ca  >   Fr
The two trends to remember with electronegativity are that it increases across a period and
decreases down a group. Therefore, chlorine, which is farthest to the top and right, will have
the highest value. Francium lies farthest to the left and bottom, so it will have the lowest

9 . E
Fluorine is the most electronegative element among the ones given since it is closest to the
upper right-hand corner of the periodic table.

10 . B
Chlorine has the greatest electronegativity because, out of all the choices, it lies farthest to the
right and top of the periodic table. Chlorine has a great attraction for electrons in a chemical
bond because it needs only one more electron to complete a stable octet formation.
Therefore, it has a high electronegativity.

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