SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Now check   the formal  charges:

The P   has a   formal  charge  of  +1  and the O   has a   formal  charge  of  –1. These   can be
eliminated by moving a pair of electrons around from the O into a second bond:

Both    aluminum    chloride    and sodium  phosphate   are ionic.
AlCl 3 :


D. Na 3 PO 4

9 . Be  and B,  because they    can join    to  only    two or  three   hydrogens,  respectively,   since   they    have
fewer than four valence electrons. The elements Mg and Al may also do this, as could Na, Ca,
and the other active metals of Groups I and II.

10 . E
A. NH 3 is polar (positive end at base of pyramid, negative end at N).

B. NO 2     and ClO 2   are both    angular molecules,  therefore   polar.
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