SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

You don’t have to spend the same amount of time on every question. Ideally, you should be able to
work through the easier questions at a brisk, steady clip, and use a little more time on the harder
questions. One caution: Don’t rush through basic questions just to save time for the harder ones.
The basic questions are points in your pocket, and you’re better off not getting to some harder
questions if it means losing easy points because of careless mistakes. Remember, you don’t earn any
extra credit for answering hard questions.


Work    quickly on  easier  questions   to  leave   more    time    for harder  questions.  But not so  quickly
that you make careless errors. And it’s okay to leave a few questions blank if you have to—
you can still get a high score.

Locate quick points if you’re running out of time. Some questions can be done more quickly than
others because they require less work or because choices can be eliminated more easily. If you start
to run out of time, look for these quicker questions.

When you take the SAT Subject Test: Chemistry, you have one clear objective in mind: to score as
many points as you can. It’s that simple. The rest of this book is dedicated to helping you to do just

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