SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Question Types

On your test, there will be three main question types: classification questions, relationship analysis
questions, and five-choice completion questions. Make sure you feel comfortable with all of them
and their directions before test day. Don’t waste time reading directions when you are being timed!


Classification questions consist of five lettered choices—typically, ideas, chemical laws, graphs, or
some other type of data presentation. Following the five choices will be three to five statements
that can be functions of the choices, definitions, descriptive characteristics, or conditions that
would favor that data set. The five choices may be used more than once, so do not eliminate an
answer just because you have used it.


On  test    day,    do  classification  questions   first;  they    require less    reading and will    give    you the
most points for your time invested.

Read through the directions and attempt to answer questions 1–4 below. Check your answers
against the explanations that follow the question set.

Directions: Each set of lettered choices below refers to the numbered statements immediately
following it. Select the one lettered choice that best fits each statement and then fill
in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. In each set, a choice may be used
once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions   1–4
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