SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . B

KCl is  an  ionic   salt,   and therefore   should  be  soluble in  polar   solvents    and insoluble   in  nonpolar
solvents. Water is a highly polar liquid. The carbon atom in carbon tetrachloride, CCl 4 , is
bonded to four atoms, so the molecule is tetrahedral. This geometry means that the individual
dipole moments of the bonds cancel and CCl 4 is nonpolar. Ethanol (CH 3 CH 2 OH) has two carbon
atoms in tetrahedral arrangement; most of the dipole moments associated with the bonds are
the same, but the C — C and C — OH bonds are different, so ethanol is somewhat polar. Thus,
the polarities of the three solvents decrease in the following sequence: H 2 O > CH 3 CH 2 OH > CCl 4 ,
with the solubility of KCl decreasing along that sequence.

2 . A
A 1 M NaOH solution means that there is 1 mol of NaOH for every liter of the solution. We are
interested, however, in a final volume of 200 mL, which is a fifth of a liter. Therefore, 0.2 mol of
NaOH is needed. The formula weight of NaOH is 40, and so the amount of NaOH needed is 0.2
mol × 40 g/mol = 8 g.

3 . C
When a solution is diluted, more solvent is added, yet the number of moles of solute remains
the same. To solve a dilution problem, the following equation is used:

MiVi    =   MfVf
where i represents the initial conditions and f represents the final conditions. Therefore, the
calculation to solve for the final volume is:
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