SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


These questions are your common multiple-choice questions; there are three types of them.

Directions: Each of the incomplete statements or questions below is followed by five suggested
completions or answers. In each case, select the one that is best and fill in the
corresponding oval on the answer sheet.

Type 1 Questions

These have a unique solution, often the only correct answer or the best answer. Sometimes, though,
the most inappropriate answer will be correct; these question types will have NOT, EXCEPT, or
LEAST somewhere in the stimulus.

Questions   7–8

A   330 cc  sample  of  ideal   gas weighing    72  grams   at  18°C    and 748 torr    is  placed  in  an
evacuated vessel of volume 1320 cc. If the gas is to fill the whole vessel at 748 torr, to what
temperature must the assembly be heated?


(A) 891°C

(B) 1437 K

(C) 18°C

(D) 1164°C

(E) None    of  the above

Which   of  the following   is  NOT a   state   function?

Question    7   tests   your    ability to  use the equation


(A) Temperature
(B) Density
(C) Work
(D) Viscosity
(E) All of the above
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