SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 . D

Each    mole    of  H 3 PO 4    contains    3   moles   of  hydrogen    and (since  this    is  an  acid)   three   equivalents.
A 2 M solution of this acid is thus 2 M × 3 N/M = 6 N.

5 . 64.4
The number of moles of water is found by estimating the density of water to be 1 g/mL.

If  the mole    fraction    of  ethyl   alcohol is  to  be  0.2,    then    the mole    fraction    of  water   must    be  0.8.    If
n equals the total number of moles:


mol ethyl   alcohol =   (.2)(7) =   1.4 mol

(1.4    mol ethyl   alcohol)    (46 g/mol)  =   64.4    g   ethyl   alcohol

6 . B
Only ionic compounds (electrolytes) dissolved in polar solvents will conduct electricity. Sugar
is a covalent solid, and therefore is not an electrolyte even when dissolved in water. Choice C is
incorrect because salt will not dissolve appreciably in an organic solvent and so no ions will be
present. Choice D is incorrect because oil and water are immiscible, and neither on its own
contains a significant amount of electrolytes. Salt water is in essence an aqueous solution of
NaCl, which dissociates to generate Na+ and Cl– ions, and so choice B is correct.

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