SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
steam   vary    with    temperature;    for this    problem,    use the estimate    of  0.5 cal/g   •   K   for both.
The specific heat of water is 1.0 cal/g • K.)

(A) 7.325   cal
(B) 7.450 cal
(C) 7.325 kcal
(D) 7.450 kcal

5 . Using the information given in the reaction equations below, calculate the heat of
formation for 1 mole of carbon monoxide.

(A) −221    kJ/mol
(B) −110 kJ/mol
(C) 110 kJ/mol
(D) 221 kJ/mol

6 . If the free energy change accompanying a reaction is negative,

(A) the reaction    can occur   spontaneously
(B) the reaction can be used to do work by driving other reactions
(C) the entropy must always be negative
(D) both A and B

7 . All of the following are correct statements concerning entropy EXCEPT

(A) All spontaneous processes   tend    toward  an  increase    in  entropy.
(B) The more highly ordered the system, the higher the entropy.
(C) The entropy of a pure crystalline solid at 0 K is 0.
(D) The change in entropy of an equilibrium process is 0.
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