SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
B. The  forward reaction    is  exothermic, since   ΔE is   negative.

C. The  reverse reaction    is  endothermic.

D. The  enthalpy    change, ΔE, of  the reaction    is  −222    kJ.

8 . D
In order for products to form, the reactant atoms or molecules need to collide at an
orientation that allows them to react, and with sufficient energy to surmount the activation
barrier as it goes through the transition state.

9 . C
If the number of nuclei decaying in a sample has decreased by a factor of 4, the sample has
been through 2 half-lives, and the half-life will be

The equation    to  determine   the decay   constant    for the first-order reaction    is

Thus,   given   that    the half-life   is  56  sec,    the decay   constant    will    be

10 . C

Reducing    the activation  energy  makes   it  easier  for molecules   to  overcome    the barrier to
reaction: At any temperature, there will now be more molecules that have sufficient energy to
react. The rate of reaction will therefore be faster. All the other choices tend to decrease the
reaction rate: Lowering the temperature would mean decreasing the energy of the molecules;
it will be more difficult for them to overcome the energy barrier. Increasing the volume of the
reaction vessel, with all else remaining the same, would decrease the density (and hence
concentration) of the reactant molecules, causing collisions among them to be less frequent.
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