SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Review Questions

1 . A   certain aqueous solution    at  25°C    has [OH−]   =   6.2 ×   10−5 M.

(A) Calculate   [H+].
(B) Calculate the pH of the solution.
(C) Is the solution acidic or basic?

2 . What    is  the ratio   of  [H+]    of  a   solution    of  pH  =   4   to  the [H+]    of  a   solution    of  pH  =   7?

3 . Write   equations   expressing  what    happens to  each    of  the following   bases   in  aqueous

(A) LiOH
(B) Ba(OH) 2
(C) NH 3
(D) NO 2 −

4 . What    volume  of  a   3   M   solution    of  NaOH    is  required    to  titrate 0.05    L   of  a   4   M   solution    of  HCl
to the equivalence point?


5 . If  10  mL  of  1   M   NaOH    is  titrated    with    1   M   HCl to  a   pH  of  2,  what    volume  of  HCl was added?

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