SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A) 144.73  kJ
(B) 144.73 J
(C) −144.73 J
(D) −144.73 kJ

10 . Assign oxidation numbers to each atom of the following reaction equation:

2Fe (s) +   O 2     (g) +   2H 2 O  (l) →   2Fe(OH) 2   (s)

11 . Using the ion-electron method, balance the following equation of a reaction taking place
in an acidic solution:

ClO 3 − +   AsO 2 − →   AsO 4 3−    +   Cl−

12 . Given the standard reduction potentials for the following half-reactions,

ClO 4 − (aq)    +   2H+ (aq)    +   2e− →   ClO 3 − (aq)    +   H 2 O   (l)

predict which   half-reaction   would   occur   at  the anode   and which   would   occur   at  the
cathode in a galvanic cell.
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