SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
number  of  ^131 I  nuclei  remains,    which   also    means   that    only    25% of  the original    mass    of  ^131 I
remains. Since the original dose contained 12 mg of ^131 I, only 3 mg remains after 16.1 days.

4 . –λ

The expression  n   =   n 0 e–λt    is  equivalent  to  n/n 0   =   e–λt.   Taking  the natural logarithm   of  both    sides
of the latter expression you find:

ln(n/n 0 )  =   –λt
From this expression it is clear that plotting ln(n/n 0 ) versus t will give a straight line of slope –λ.
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