SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

sp^2 Hybridized

The carbon atom forms a double bond and two single bonds, arranged in the same plane about 120°
apart. The two single bonds are σ bonds while the double bond consists of one σ and one π bond.
The π bond is formed from the interactions of unhybridized p orbitals, which in the case below
would be pointing in a direction perpendicular to the page.

sp Hybridized

The carbon atom forms a triple bond and a single bond, arranged linearly (180° apart). The triple
bond consists of one σ and two π bonds.

Different classes of organic compounds are named based on the nature of the bonds and the
elements (besides carbon) that are present. Just to give a couple of examples, a carbon atom triple-
bonded to a nitrogen results in a nitrile, and a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom gives
a carbonyl. Sometimes more than one such functional group is present in a molecule. There are
rules for systematically assigning names to organic compounds, known as the IUPAC system. Below
are some of the more common functional groups or compounds:

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