SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . sp: the carbon  forms   a   single  bond    and a   triple  bond.

2 . sp: the carbon  forms   a   single  bond    and a   triple  bond.

3 . sp^3 :  the carbon  forms   four    single  bonds.

4 . sp^2 :  the carbon  forms   a   double  and two single  bonds.

5 . There   are eight   single  bonds,  one double  bond,   and one triple  bond.   Each    single  bond    gives   a   σ
bond; a double bond gives one σ and one π bond; a triple bond gives one σ and two π bonds.
So there is a total of 8 + 1 + 1 = 10 σ bonds, and 1 (from double bond) + 2 (from triple bond) = 3
π bonds in the molecule.

6 . A
The two carbon atoms in ethene are bonded to each other via a double bond. They are thus
both sp^2 hybridized and the three attached groups each has will be arranged in a planar
configuration roughly 120° apart, since that will minimize the electron-pair repulsion. Choice B
is wrong because of the bond angle. The other choices are wrong because both carbons are sp^2
hybridized; sp hybridization is found on carbon atoms with two adjacent double bonds
(allenes) or, more commonly, a triple bond and a single bond (alkynes), while sp^3 hybridization
is found on saturated carbon atoms.

7 . C
A saturated hydrocarbon is one that contains only single bonds. If it is noncyclic, its formula

will conform to that of alkanes: CnH 2 n (^) + 2 . Only choice C satisfies this.
8 . D

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