SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1. Part A

1 . B

An  Arrhenius   acid    produces    H+  in  solution.

2 . D
A Brønsted-Lowry base accepts protons. For example, NH 3 and Cl– are both Brønsted-Lowry
bases because they will accept protons in solution. They are not Arrhenius bases because they
don’t make OH– in solution.

3 . E
A Lewis base is an electron pair donor.

4 . C
A Lewis acid is an electron pair acceptor: for example, BCl 3 and AlCl 3.

5 . A
A Brønsted-Lowry acid is a species that can donate protons (H+) (for example, HCl). Brønsted-
Lowry acids and bases always occur in pairs, called conjugates; for example, H 3 O+ is an
conjugate acid of the base H 2 O.

6 . E
Dalton’s law states that the sum of the partial pressures of the components of a gaseous
mixture must equal the total pressure of the sample.

7 . A
Boyle’s law states that at constant temperature, the volume of a gaseous sample is inversely
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