SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Salts   will    not dissolve    appreciably in  organic solvents    because they    are nonpolar,   and salts
needs a polar solvent to dissociate into ions. If a salt cannot dissociate, then there will be no
electrical conduction.

109 . T, F
Glucose will crystallize as the supersaturated solution cools because as heat (energy) is lost, a
solution cannot have as much of a solute dissolved in it, so glucose will precipitate out.

110 . T, T, CE
In a second-order reaction with respect to A, the rate = k[A]^2 . If you double A, the rate = k[2A]^2 ,
which equals 4k[A]^2 . Therefore the rate is quadrupled. If you triple A, rate = k[3A]^2 = 9 k[A]^2 , i.e.,
rate is increased by a factor of nine.

111 . T, T, CE
Ca is a neutral atom. All neutral atoms have the same number of positive protons and negative

112 . T, T, CE
Salt dissolved in H 2 O will result in a freezing-point depression because solute particles
interfere with the process of crystal formation that occurs during freezing.

113 . F, F
Covalent bonds are usually stronger than ionic bonds. Ionic bonds are an association of ions
after an element has completely transferred its electron to another element. These can
dissociate easily; for example, NaCl in water becomes Na+ and Cl–.

114 . F, T
Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen atoms with a partial positive charge interact with
the partial negative charge located on electronegative atoms of nearby molecules. These
substances have unusually high boiling points compared with similar compounds that do not
hydrogen bond.

115 . T, T, CE
A solution with pH of 12 has 10 –12 M H+ ions. Since [H+][OH–] must equal 10–14, then the [OH–]
must be 10–2 M. Therefore, the OH– concentration is higher than a solution with a pH of 10 in
which the [H+] will be 10–10 M and the [OH–] concentration will be 10–^4 M.

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