SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(A) 925,000 J

(B) 29,000 J

(C) 1,850 J

(D) 296 J

(E) 100 J

31 . If electricity costs 10 cents/coulomb, which of the following would have the highest

(A) Copper  from    CuSO 4
(B) Sodium from NaCl
(C) Chlorine from KCl
(D) Hydrogen from H 2 O
(E) Iron from FeCl 3

32 . What volume of water would be needed to dilute 50 mL of a 3 M HCl solution to 1 M?

(A) 25  mL
(B) 50 mL
(C) 75 mL
(D) 100 mL
(E) 150 mL

33 . If the pressure of a gas sample is doubled at constant temperature, the volume will be

(A) 4   times   the original
(B) 2 times the original
(C) 1/2 of the original
(D) 1/4 of the original
(E) 1/8 of the original

34 . Which of the following molecules has a trigonal pyramidal geometry?

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