SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A) 80  grams
(B) 120 grams
(C) 160 grams
(D) 180 grams
(E) 200 grams

39 . What is the oxidation state of Mn in KMnO 4?

(A) −7
(B) −3
(C) 0
(D) +3
(E) +7

40 . What is the daughter element produced by technetium-99m (an isomer of ^99 Tc with
atomic number 43 and mass number 99) after γ decay?






41 . What volume of water would be needed to dilute 50 mL of 3 M H 2 SO 4 to 0.75 M?

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