SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

45 .

The reverse reaction    for the one shown   above   is  exothermic. If  the temperature is
lowered, what will occur?

(A) The pH  will    decrease.
(B) The equilibrium will shift to the right.
(C) The concentration of H 3 O+ ions will increase.
(D) The equilibrium will shift to the left.
(E) Temperature does not affect equilibrium.

46 . Which of the following reactions shows a decrease in entropy?

(A) C   (s) +   2H 2    (g) →   CH 4    (g)
(B) H 2 O (g) → H 2 (g) + 1/2O 2 (g)
(C) 2NI 3 (s) → N 2 (g) +3I 2 (g)
(D) 2O 3 (g) → 3O 2 (g)
(E) None of the above

47 . Which of the following is an incorrect association?

(A) Mendelev–periodic   table
(B) Faraday–electrolytic cells
(C) Millikan–charge of electrons
(D) Rutherford–photoelectric effect
(E) They are all correct.

48 . Which of the following is true of an electrolytic cell?

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