SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A) Pressures   less    than    P(b)
(B) Pressures between P(b) and P(c)
(C) Pressures between P(d) and P(c)
(D) Pressures between P(b) and P(d)
(E) The compound will not sublime under any pressure.

53 . The phase change represented by crossing curve bd is

(A) evaporation
(B) sublimation
(C) condensation
(D) melting
(E) boiling

54 . The phase change represented by crossing curve bc is

(A) freezing
(B) melting
(C) deposition
(D) sublimation
(E) evaporation

55 . If you mix 3 L of 0.5 M NaCl with 9 L of 0.2777 M NaCl, what will the concentration of the
final solution be, assuming that volumes are additive?

(A) 0.33    M
(B) 0.39 M
(C) 0.5777 M
(D) 0.7777 M
(E) None of the above

56 . Which of the following statements about boiling-point elevation is NOT true?

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