SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1. Part A

1 . D

O−  has 9   electrons,  while   S+  has 15  electrons.

2 . A
Ca+ has 19 electrons, as does K.

3 . C
Cl− has 18 electrons, while F has 9 electrons.

4 . B
H+ has no electrons, while He has 2 electrons.

5 . E
Na+ has 10 electrons, while O– has 9 electrons.

6 . A
Solute is defined as something that is dissolved in a solvent to make a solution. It is the
component that is present in a lesser amount than solvent.

7 . D
In aqueous solutions, the solvent is H 2 O.

8 . B
Solvent is the component of a solution present in the greatest amount. It is the substance in
which the solute is dissolved.
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