SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

18 . D

Nonmetals   have    no  metallic    character.  Three   examples    are N 2 ,   O 2 ,   and carbon. They    are
typically poor conductors of heat and electricity.

19 .    A
Class IA metals are found on the first column of the periodic table. Metals tend to have shine
and luster, which makes them easily recognizable. They conduct heat and electricity very well.

20 .    E
Helium is an inert gas that is not very soluble in H 2 O.

21 .    D
H 2 SO 4 is a very strong acid (sulfuric acid) that when bubbled through H 2 O will make a very
acidic solution.

22 .    C
N 2 is not very soluble, but will burn with a blue flame.

23 .    B
CO 2 will extinguish a glow and will slightly associate with H 2 O to form carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 →
H+ + HCO 3 − ).

25. Part B

101 . T, T, CE

In  the periodic    table,  groups  represent   elements    that    have    the same    electronic  configuration
in their outermost shell and share similar chemical properties. These valence electrons are
involved in chemical bonding and determine the chemical reactivity of an element.

102 . T, T
NH 3 is a Lewis base because it can donate an electron pair; it is also a Brønsted-Lowry base
because it can accept an H+ from a solution, but this is not what makes it a Lewis base.

103 . F, F

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