SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Carbonic    acid    will    not dissociate  completely  in  H 2 O.

Therefore,  in  a   0.2 M   solution,   there   will    be  fewer   ions    than    in  a   0.2 M   solution    of  HBr (which
dissociates completely). Electrical conductivity depends on the number of ions in solution, so
HBr would be the better electrical conductor.

112 . T, F
In the equation , when you increase pressure, the system will try to relieve the
stress and skew the equilibrium to the side of the equation with fewer moles of gas formed,
and more C will be produced.

113 . F, T
Water does not make a good buffer. A good buffer is defined as a pair of solutes (salts) that can
keep the pH of a solution almost constant if either acid or base is added. Water is unable to do

114 . T, T
The kinetic molecular theory of gases has five assumptions to it:

Gases   are made    up  of  particles   whose   volumes are negligible  compared    with    the
container volume.


2. Gas  atoms   or  molecules   exhibit no  intermolecular  attractions or  repulsions.
Gas particles are in continuous, random motion, undergoing collisions with other
particles and the container walls.


Collisions  between any two gas particles   are elastic,    meaning that    there   is  no  overall gain
or loss of energy.


The average kinetic energy  of  gas particles   is  proportional    to  the absolute    temperature
of the gas, and is the same for all gases at a given temperature. That collisions between
the particles and the container walls are elastic is not necessarily a consequence of the
other assumptions.


115 . F, T

Al 2 (Cr 2 O 7 ) 3
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