SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

27 . A

Hydrogen    peroxide    has the empirical   formula HO.

28 . E
No reaction takes place. In order for a reaction to take place to produce H 2 O, energy must be
added to the system (typically in the form of heat).

29 . A
Choice A, which says that an electron may assume an infinite number of different velocities, is
true in classical mechanics but not in Bohr’s model. Bohr used quantum theory in developing
his atomic model and placed specific conditions on the possible values of the electron
velocity. Since we’re looking for the incorrect statement, choice A is the correct answer.

30 . A
100 g O 2 divided by 32 g/mol = 3.125 moles of oxygen. You’re given 296 kJ/mol in the equation
(a negative value means heat is released), so multiply 296 kJ/mole × 3.125 mole to get 925 kJ.
925 kJ is equal to 925,000 joules of heat.

31 . E
At 10 cents/coulomb, the question is really asking you which reaction involves the transfer of
the most electrons.

Cu  from    Cu2+ 2   electrons
Na from Na+ 1 electron
Cl from Cl− 1 electron
H from H+ 1 electron
Fe from Fe3+ 3 electrons

Therefore,  the production  of  Fe  from    Fe3+    involves    the transfer    of  the most    electrons   and
would cost the most.

32 . D

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