SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Therefore   100 mL  needs   to  be  added.

33 . C
This question is an application of Boyle’s law. This states that at constant temperature, the
pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to each other. Therefore, since the
pressure of the gas in the question is increased, the volume must decrease.

34 . D
The Lewis structure of NH 3 is:

The central atom    has three   bonding electron    pairs   and one nonbonding  pair    for a   total   of  four
pairs. The four electron pairs will be farthest apart when they occupy the four corners of a
tetrahedron. Since one of the four pairs is a lone pair, the observed geometry is trigonal

35 . B
Organic chemistry focuses only on carbon-containing compounds such as carbohydrates,
alcohols, and ethers, and on their reactions.

36 . D
Electronegativity increases in going from the lower left to the upper right of the periodic table,
excepting the noble gases. So all you need to do here is locate the answer choices in the
periodic table and find the one that is the closest to the upper right-hand corner and is not a
noble gas. When you do this, you’ll see that choice D is the correct answer.

37 . B
The atoms with the greatest affinity for electrons are found in the upper right corner of the
periodic table (excluding the noble gases). Fluorine is an exception to the trend because of
electron-electron repulsions in small atoms.

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