SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
At  pressures   less    than    (b),    solids  are able    to  convert directly    to  gas (sublimation)   and gases   are
able to convert directly to solid (deposition).

53 . D
Line bd describes the conversion between liquid and solid and therefore between melting and

54 . E
Line bc describes the conversion between liquid and gas and therefore between evaporation
(boiling) and condensation.

55 . A
In a total volume of 12 L, you must calculate the number of moles you have.

56 . C

Boiling point   elevation   is  a   colligative property,   one due solely  to  the number  of  particles   and
not the nature of the particles. Therefore, III is false and II is true. I is false because vapor
pressure is lowered by addition of solute, which increases boiling point. An increase in vapor
pressure would lead to boiling-point depression.

57 . D

1K 2 Cr 2 O 7   +   14HCl   →   2KCl    +   2CrCl 3  +7H 2 O    +   3Cl 2

2   +   2   +   7   +   3   =    14

58 . C

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