SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Each    of  the incomplete  statements  or  questions   below   is  followed    by  five    suggested
completions or answers. Select the one that is best for each case.

24 .    What    is  the formal  charge  on  the nitrogen    atom    in  HNO 3?

(A) –1
(B) +1
(C) 0
(D) +2
(E) +3

25 .    What    volume  of  a   1   M   solution    of  hydrochloric    acid    is  required    to  neutralize  80  mL  of  a   0.5
M NaOH solution?

(A) 320 mL
(B) 160 mL
(C) 80 mL
(D) 40 mL
(E) 20 mL

26 .    Which   of  the following   would   be  classified  as  a   strong  electrolyte?

(A) Benzoic acid
(B) Water
(C) Hydrofluoric acid
(D) Potassium chloride
(E) Glucose
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