SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Each    of  the incomplete  statements  or  questions   below   is  followed    by  five    suggested
completions or answers. Select the one that is best for each case.

24 .    The heat    capacity    for aluminum    is  0.89    J·g−10 C−1, for iron    is  0.45    J·g−10  C−1,    and for zinc    is
0.39 J·g−10 C−1. If 100 J of heat energy was added to a 10.0 g sample of each of the metals,
which of the following would be true?

(A) Al  would   have    the largest temperature increase.
(B) Fe would have the largest temperature increase.
(C) Zn would have the largest temperature increase.
(D) Fe and Zn would have the same temperature increase.
(E) All three metals would have the same temperature increase.

25 .     2  NO 2     (g)    → N 2 O 4   (g)

What    is  the heat    of  reaction    for the above   reaction    given   the heat    of  formation,  ∆Hf,    of
NO 2 (g) is 34 kJ/mole and N 2 O 4 (g) is 10 kJ/mole?

(A) −58 kJ
(B) −48 kJ
(C) 10 kJ
(D) 48 kJ
(E) 78 kJ

26 .    What    is  the precipitate produced    from    the double  displacement    reaction    of  an  aqueous
solution of lead (II) nitrate and an aqueous solution of potassium sulfate?
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