SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

33 . Which of the following compounds would be a white, crystalline solid?

(A) C 3 H 8
(B) CO
(C) CuCl 2
(D) Cr 2 O 3
(E) MgO

34 . Which of the following compounds would be predicted to have the highest melting point?

(A) CS 2
(B) HI
(C) H 2 S
(D) H 2 O
(E) MgO

35 . Which of the following elements would have the largest atomic radius?

(A) Cl
(B) F
(C) Li
(D) Ne
(E) Na

36 . Which atom would require the shortest wave-length photon to remove a single electron?

(A) Mg
(B) Si
(C) P
(D) S
(E) Cl
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