SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

45 . Which of the following ions or molecules has a nonzero dipole moment?

(A) CO 2
(B) NO 3 −
(C) PO 4 3−
(D) SO 2
(E) SO 4 2−

46 . Which of the following species has a molecular shape most similar to that of ammonia,
NH 3?

(A) BH 3
(B) H 2 O
(C) H 3 O+
(D) CH 4
(E) NH 4 +

47 . A → 2B

The initial rates   method  was used    to  study   the reaction    above.  Determine   the rate
expression and calculate the rate constant for the reaction.

(A) Rate    =   5.44    ×   10^3 [A]^2
(B) Rate = 1.36 × 10^3 [A]^2
(C) Rate = 5.44 × 10^3 [A]
(D) Rate = 1.36 × 10^3 [A]
(E) Rate = 1.84 × 10−4[A]^2
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