SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(A) 2.0 × 10−6

(B) 2.0 × 10−3

(C) 1.0 × 10−2

(D) 1.3 × 10−2

(E) 1.6 × 10−2

63 .

A   sample  of  methanol    is  placed  in  a   sealed  container,  heated  to  210ºC,  and allowed to
establish equilibrium according to the equation above. The vessel is then heated, at
constant pressure, to 250ºC. Which of the following will happen when the vessel is heated?

(A) The value   of  the equilibrium constant    will    increase.
(B) The value of the equilibrium constant will decrease.
(C) The reaction will produce more moles of CH 3 OH (g).
The system will relieve the stress by shifting toward the side with fewer moles of
gaseous reaction species.


As  long    as  the pressure    is  constant,   the equilibrium need    not shift,  and the relative
amounts of reactants and products stay the same.


64 . In the laboratory a student was determining the formula for the hydrate of barium
chloride, BaCl 2 . The student cleaned, dried, and determined the mass of the crucible and
cover. The student then added a sample of the hydrate to the crucible and determined
the mass. The student heated the sample in the crucible strongly for 10 minutes. The
sample in the crucible and cover was cooled and the mass was determined. The mass data
is provided in the table below:

Mass    of  crucible    and cover 31.623    grams
Mass of crucible, cover, and sample prior to heating 33.632 grams
Mass of crucible, cover, and sample after heating 33.376 grams

After   the heating,    how many    moles   of  water   were    removed from    the sample?
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